An introduction and a pic
***Lites Ciggerette***
***turns up the Pink Floyd****
Where to begin...let's do this the old fashion way how about. My names Erik and I live in New York city, Brooklyn to exact. Started coming to Pixies about two months ago for the stories, and just now found the web board. Been dating the same girl for over five years now and all is well. it's a nice feeling when you can say it gets better everyday.
Not going to tell you how many inches I am cause that's just superlious info.
I write poetry to ease my mind, I spend alot of my time trying to see beauty, not just physical..see I think talk is much more erotic sometimes then nudity. You want to turn me on? Let me see what you won't show me. (Fiqure that one out...)
I think alot of people spend to much time with there heads in the sand afraid of other people, then looking to the stars and making love to ideas in there minds.
Lost yet?
Blame it on the fact most people have never loved. not love in the sense of phisical or emotional, but me the shaman of the high hope.
By now your wondering what my problem is right? Your trying to fiqure out what drugs i'm on or how many anti-depresents I've taken...none, I just hate seeing good thoughts go to waste.
So here it is, a picture of me, non nude cause my soul is bared enough, and you don't need to see the fat of my self conscience, let me see you not for what you are, but what you could be, and what you want to be..just don't for a second think I'll accept anythng less then the pure, cold hard truth.
Erik Magnuson