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Old 12-03-2004, 02:39 PM
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If Santa answered his mail honestly...

Dear Santa
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer
yer Frend, BiLLy

Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care. How
about I send you a friggin' book so you can learn to read and write?
I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least HE can spell!

Dear Santa,
I have been a good girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is
peace and joy in the world for everybody!
Love, Sarah

Dear Sarah,
Your parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they?

Dear Santa,
I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for my
mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do?
Love, Teddy

Dear Teddy,
Look, your dad's banging the babysitter like a screen door in a hurricane.
Do you think he's gonna give that up to come back to your frigid
mom, who rides his a$$ constantly? It's time to give up that dream. Let
me get you some nice Legos instead.

Dear Santa,
I want a new bike, a Playstation, a train, some G.I. Joes, a dog, a
drum kit, a pony and a tuba.
Love, Francis

Dear Francis,
Who names their kid "Francis" nowadays? I bet you're gay, I'll set
you up with a Barbie.

Dear Santa,
I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left carrots
for your reindeer outside the back door.
Love, Susan

Dear Susan,
Milk gives me the runs and carrots make the deer fart in my face
when riding in the sleigh. You want to do me a favor? Leave me a bottle
of scotch.

Dear Santa,
What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you busy making
Your friend, Thomas

Dear Thomas,
All the toys are made in China. I have a condo in Vegas, where I
spend most of my time making low-budget porno films. I unwind by
drinking myself silly and squeezing the a$$es of cocktail waitresses while
losing money at the craps table. Hey, you wanted to know.

Dear Santa,
Do you see us when we're sleeping, do you really know when we're
awake, like in the song?
Love, Jessica

Dear Jessica,
Are you really that gullible or are you just a blonde? Good luck in
whatever you do. I'm skipping your house.

Dear Santa,
I really really want a puppy this year. Please please please PLEASE
PLEASE could I have one?

That whiney begging sh!t may work with your folks, but that crap
doesn't work with me. You're getting a sweater again.

Dearest Santa,
We don't have a chimney in our house, how do you get into our home?
Love, Marky

Mark, first, stop calling yourself "Marky", that's why you're
getting you're a$$ whipped at school. Second, you don't live in a
house, you live in a low-rent apartment complex Third, I get inside your pad
just like the boogeyman does, through the trap door in the floor under your bed.
Sweet Dreams, Santa
the best thing next to cuchie

"If God didn't want you to play with it, He would have put it between your shoulder blades,..... not at the end of your arm"

Except for speculation, we ONLY have NOW and EACHOTHER!

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Old 12-03-2004, 02:48 PM
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brilliant just brilliant!!!!
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Old 12-03-2004, 02:49 PM
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Smile, it's the second best thing you can do with your mouth.


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Old 12-03-2004, 02:51 PM
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too fucking funny...*giggles*

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Old 12-03-2004, 02:51 PM
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aw man those are great
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Old 12-03-2004, 03:26 PM
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Why didn't i expect this from you? :grin:

but santa did tell me he got your letter, he said next time to wait untill christmas and not raid Mrs. Claus' panty stash or he will leave nothing but startched cotton boxers for you. Yeah you have been that bad so he's saving the coal since it's worth money these days.
"I've seen a look in dogs' eyes, a quickly vanishing look of amazed contempt, and I am convinced that basically dogs think humans are nuts." - John Steinbeck
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Old 12-03-2004, 03:40 PM
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Those were serious ... right?

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Old 12-03-2004, 05:10 PM
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Rofl...PF you always make me laugh
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Like a favorite pair of torn blue jeans, this skin I'm in it's alright with me; it's not old -- just older.....Bon Jovi
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Old 12-03-2004, 05:41 PM
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too frickken funny i laughed myself right out of my chair (almost)!!!!!
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Old 12-03-2004, 05:50 PM
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How (smirk) pollitically (bwah) incorrect (titter) of you.
You (ha) should (giggle) be (snicker) more...

oh, never mind, my spleen just hurts more when I laugh.
On the kinkometer, my kink measures as a sine wave.
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Old 12-03-2004, 06:09 PM
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Old 12-03-2004, 06:23 PM
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LOL, too too cute!!!!
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Old 12-03-2004, 08:33 PM
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Old 12-03-2004, 08:54 PM
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Great PF..... TY!
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Old 12-03-2004, 09:59 PM
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