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Old 09-11-2009, 11:04 AM
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Fetishes and superstitions

okay so fetishes are cool right? but do you have one?

1. an object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.
2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades.
3. Psychology. any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.
Also, fetich.

we cover the third definition here often but do you have any fetishes in the sense of the first two?

What are your good luck charms and superstitions?

-Seems we got here just in the nick of time. Whats that make us?
--Big damn heros Sir.
-Ain't we just.
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Old 09-11-2009, 01:07 PM
Maleslut1186 Maleslut1186 is offline
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I have a few supersitions that are historical to sailing. For example I have an old coin mounted under the mast of my Sail boat, I would never change the name of a boat it's bad luck, and I avoid sleeping with married women as it brings bad luck or worse
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Old 09-11-2009, 02:04 PM
jseal jseal is offline
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Originally Posted by Maleslut1186
... I avoid sleeping with married women as it brings bad luck or worse

I have also heard of that superstition!
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Old 09-11-2009, 03:15 PM
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hate friday the 13 and love even numbers when playing games and such..
I love the night
I love the element of danger and the ecstasy of flight,
I love the night
I love to dance with a stranger and to feel his delight,
And when the dancing is through, I kick off my shoes,
And I listen to the beating of his heart
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Old 09-12-2009, 12:26 AM
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Originally Posted by jseal
I have also heard of that superstition!

We even have it here in Oz.

I have a fetish (1), a lucky charm. I don't carry it, just need to know where it is. It's a tektite which is "splash" from a meteorite. It's an earth object which has been to space and back.
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Old 09-12-2009, 08:06 AM
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I'm very superstitious. But it's numbers like 3,11, 33 or actions I take. I do have a string of japa mala that bring me comfort but it's more spiritual that superstition but some would argue they are one in the same.

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Old 09-12-2009, 10:12 AM
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My cousin who is very into swords names all of his practice blades following ancient tradition. He does it partly because of the Japanese believing that the sword is the soul of the warrior carrying it.
"BOY: On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses? GIRL: Will he offer me his mouth? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Will he offer me his teeth? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Will he offer me his jaws? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Will he offer me his hunger? BOY: Yes. GIRL: Again, will he offer me his hunger? BOY: Yes! GIRL: Yes. BOY: On a hot summer night, would you offer your throat to the wolf with the red roses? GIRL: Yes. BOY: I bet you say that to all the boys!" -Meatloaf
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Old 09-12-2009, 03:25 PM
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Posts: 23,422 object regarded with awe as being the embodiment or habitation of a potent spirit or as having magical potency.

I feel an awe in my spirit when I allow the habitation of dark chocolate to unleash it's magical potency within my body.

2. any object, idea, etc., eliciting unquestioning reverence, respect, or devotion: to make a fetish of high grades.

This is exactly how I feel about my Hitachi
Just when the caterpiller thought the world was over, it became a butterfly!

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Old 09-13-2009, 02:35 AM
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I've been regularly bowing to the Full moon and making wishes since a school friend taught me to when I was about ten.

I also hate uneven numbers.
Can I drink your bath water can I have your smelly underwear
I just wanna hold it smell it throw it in the air
Can you hold me tight and whisper dirty little nothings when I come
Just don't keep me hanging I've been hanging much too long

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Old 09-13-2009, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Rhiannon
hate friday the 13...

Friday the 13th came on Sunday this month!

(Apologies to the late Walt Kelly & "Pogo")
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Old 02-19-2010, 02:00 PM
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LMAO ^^^ Zoid

How is it possible I missed this thread?

Maybe it was that I didn't understand the question. As a person blessed with a certain attraction, I'm trying to find one of those definitions that WOULDN'T apply.
the best thing next to cuchie

"If God didn't want you to play with it, He would have put it between your shoulder blades,..... not at the end of your arm"

Except for speculation, we ONLY have NOW and EACHOTHER!

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Old 02-19-2010, 02:37 PM
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I have several, I amafraid. Recently my biggest fetish has been cycling...I do it all the time and I got a new bike that I LOVE.

I'm not terribly superstitious, but I don't exactly invite disaster either. For instance, I avoid walking under ladders (but I think that's common sense).
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.

I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

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