11-07-2003, 12:25 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Launceston , Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 1,903
Incest fantasies
I just read a closed thread and will not enter into the stuff in it except to say that this place is like a TV set if you don't like it dont go there, you dont like a TV channel you dont select it, you dont like a thread, dont read the bloddy thing.
I do not like tattoos or body piercing at all so if there is a thread on here about them I dont bother to look. Other people do like those things so I am happy for them to have that thread and enjoy it.
For some reason I like incest stories, it turns my erotic fanatasies on. I have never wanted to do it in my normal activities nor would encourage anyone to do it but it does somehow make a nice fanatasy.
It does no one any harm and is a little peccadillo of mine and many others.
Most people who know me also know I respect people and am a decent person who is pretty open about himself. I have no shame in saying I enjoy incest stories.