06-05-2004, 11:52 AM
Registered User
Join Date: May 2001
Location: Rochester N.H.
Posts: 4,134
As many of you,probably,know,MOST people think that I have a
wierd sense of humor!Even tho,it has been years,since I drank,
most of the people,that I ran with,told many jokes,that had to do
with drinking!I always appreciated,a quick comeback,& this has
stuck with me for years.I was curious,if anyone,remembered who
it was attributed to.It supposedly,was in a debate,but I don't
remember if it was political or not.
Debater #1:You're fat & ugly!
Debater #2:You're drunk!
Debater #1:Yes,but tomorrow,I'll be sober & you'll still be fat &
For some reason,I thought that was great!It was not only humerous,but also made sense.My father always had a quick
comeback.Maybe thats why I always liked them.Does anyone
remember who this was about?Thanks! Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)