06-17-2003, 03:48 PM
ThePower of Chinese Woman
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 985
Can the Man in Pixes make him jealouse???
is there away to make him jealouse?
i try to look at those handsome male porn to save in my computer's wallpaper. i want to make him jealouse fucking his brain out.
but i can never find a picture that i can put as my wallpager that is handsom and NUDE
can the man in Pixes make him jealouse? can you give me any picuture of you 100% NUDE, and can you give me the handsome pictures? sorry i just want to make him jealouse.
thank you very much, in return i will give you my OWN picture of myself, i promised if you can make him mad i can make you happy
i need picture that is including your face and i want 100% nude with full errection
thank you
In other countries like Far East Asia women are still held in LOWER esteem BUT in China, it’s a different story. Chinese women are much more aggressive and outspoken and held in Higher esteem.” I love Communist that provides males and females Equality and WOMEN’S Rights in China.