05-10-2005, 04:13 AM
Just me.
Join Date: May 2002
Location: West central Illinois
Posts: 590,002
Happy B'Day to DD and FA!
Two special ladies, one special day,
Dressed in their best (naked, I'd say).
Celebrating their birthdays, I hope having fun,
From all us at Pixies, hoping you get yourselves "some."
You make us tingle, and sometimes drip,
When I see you posting, I hope for a lick.
Now that may sound crude, but, what the hey,
But you're so darn special, what was I to say?
So as you start another solar revolution,
Just know in your hearts and fine intuition,
That all of us here are wishing for you,
The best day ever as you start this new year!
Cumpleaņos felices DildoDiva y FallenAngel