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Old 05-23-2003, 05:08 PM
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Old 05-26-2003, 08:50 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Jack Fleming

Unsure of what else he could say, Jack moved toward the door and paused. Anything he said at this point was going to be half-hearted at best. He couldn't exactly cheer his son on by saying something like: It won't be so bad, your mom's a great fuck!

Jack Fleming groaned inwardly and walked back over to his son. Giving him a great bear hug, he ruffled the boy's hair and then held him at arm's length. "There's an appointment tomorrow morning at Central State Hospital. Both you and your mother have to go. Devi and Sunil as well."

When Mark didn't say anything, Jack turned away pausing at the door again. "Mark?"

"Yes, dad?"

"Your mother and I love you very much."

"I know, dad. I love you, too."

Sighing, Jack left his son to ponder the realities of what he'd told him. Now he had to tell Janice that the deed was done -- at least this part.
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Old 05-26-2003, 09:07 AM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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The boy sits there long after his father has gone, still trying to understand what has just happened.

Slowly, it sinks in, his face becoming paler by the moment.

I am supposed do 'it' to Mom so she becomes pregnant!

He is physically shaking now.

He tries to visually picture them actually 'doing it' (he can't bring himself to say the 'f' word) but he can't. He remembers how he had reacted when Sunil remarked how big his mom's boobs were. He almost knocked his friend's block off.

"It's Mom!" He says to himself. "I can't think of her 'like that'. She's my mom. You don't 'do it' with your own mom."

He takes a gulp from his pepsi that he had already opened but it does not make him feel better. He can still feel the butterflies in his stomach.

There is no way he can do this.

But what about Mom and Dad? Will they get into trouble?

Dejectedly, he looks at the floor. The boy doesn't know what to do.

He is still like that when his mother calls him for dinner an hour later...
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Old 05-26-2003, 10:05 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Janice Fleming

Dinner seemed to last for ages. After several failed attempts at making conversation, Janice finally gave up. Mark kept his head lowered and rarely raised it, Jack only spoke in response to Matthew and Emily who seemed to rattle on incessantly. The innocence of youth.

Relieved that the ordeal was finally over, Janice bathed and put the little ones to bed. Mark had dashed for his room as soon as he was finished and Jack was watching the news on the television when she came back downstairs.

Switching it off, he looked up and patted his lap. "C'mere and give us a cuddle."

Janice climbed onto what had been her favorite perch for as long as she could remember, nestling her face against her husband's neck. Even so, she couldn't help wondering if simple pleasures like this would end once she and Mark... began.

Still fighting back the bile that rose in her throat at the very thought of it, Janice feigned weariness and the need to take a shower. Jack promised to join her soon, though she was never sure if he did.

Maybe she wasn't fertile. Perhaps there was a chance that and she and Mark were incompatible on a genetic level. She could always hope... and pray. Janice Fleming lay in her marriage bed alone until sleep finally claimed her just before dawn.
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Old 05-26-2003, 12:04 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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In the large waiting hall of Central State Hospital's fertility clinic, Mark sits silently as he waits for his number to be called. His apprehension has grown since last night, after having a restless night and now he is feeling its affects.

He looks around the crowded hall, looking to see if Sunil and his sister are there (as his father had told him) but there are no sign of them.

Maybe they have already been.

"You sure you are alright?" His mother asks him what appears to be the umpteenth time.

"Yeah." He replies solemnly, looking up at her.

"You look a little peaky, dear." She says to him, her eyes scrunitizing his face.

"Just a bit tired is all." He tells her.

She gives him a nod and a loving smile, before pulling up her reading glasses (she is allergic to contact lens) and returns to her book.

For a moment he looks at her and then his eyes dip and to his horror he finds he is looking at her full chest.

Fucking pervert!

Disgusted with himself, his face flushing, he quickly turns away.

"Calling Number 759! Will Janice and Mark Fleming report to Examination Room 109! Calling Number 759! Will Janice and Mark Fleming report to Examination Room 109! Thank you."...
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Old 05-26-2003, 12:10 PM
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No sooner are they back from the hospital, the eager boy is grabbing at his sister.

"Sunil!" She protests before her mouth is swamped by his.

His hands are all over her as he quickly pulls her coat off.

"Sunil! The doctors said that I won't be fertile for another week." She gasps as she manages to break mouth contact.

But the horny boy's response to mesh his mouth on hers again.
"We need bigger guns." ~ Sergeant O'Neal, Godzilla (1998).
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Old 05-31-2003, 10:22 AM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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"Calling Number 759! Will Janice and Mark Fleming report to Examination Room 109! Calling Number 759! Will Janice and Mark Fleming report to Examination Room 109! Thank you."

Janice rose hesitantly, though Mark practically jumped from his chair when they were called. Taking his hand, she squeezed it gently to reassure him but he didn't respond, pulling free of her instead.

"Come on then" she said quietly, nudging her son to follow the nurse who had called their name. It hadn't even begun and her family was falling apart. There was always that chance...

"This way, Mrs. Fleming. You must be Mark?" The nurse tried to sound cheery, but it had been a long few days dealing with more than reluctant patients sent to be examined for compatibility. Sometimes it was the older of the two, sometimes the younger. Sometimes... well there had been that Indian couple who had seemed more than eager. It took all kinds.

As they entered the examination room, she directed them to get undressed. Both the boy and his mother looked at her in alarm. "No, no. There is a curtain to separate you. See?" As if to prove the fact, she pulled a divider between the two examination tables. "There. Now you'll find gowns to put on. The doctor will be in as soon as he looks over the forms you filled out when you arrived this morning. In the meantime, I will take your vital signs. Just give me a holler when you're ready."

Janice undressed slowly, stopping to fold each item of clothing neatly as she removed it. She knew she didn't have a choice in this -- then again, neither did Mark. Putting on the gown they had provided, she sat up on the edge of the table and called out to the nurse.


Three hours later, mother and son began to feel as though they were human pincushions. They'd been stuck, poked, prodded, scanned and submitted to a variety of tests including a DNA sample. Just to be sure you are who you say you are, you understand is what they were told when she asked. Evidently some people had already tried to substitute a non-relative for the connately related partner.

After being told to dress and return to the waiting room until their results were finalized, Mark appeared even more jittery than he had earlier. Janice tried to make small talk but found it difficult enough to staunch her growing nausea, so she sat silently. Waiting. And waiting some more.

Mark fidgeted and paced for a while before returning to his seat where he eventually dozed off. When they were recalled, she touched her son's arm gently to wake him, nearly startling him out of his skin. "It's our turn again, love" Janice said quietly as she stood.

"Doctor Sanchez will see you in here. Your results are all in." The forced smile on the nurse's face indicated what she already knew.

"Hello again, Mrs. Fleming. Mark. Have a seat will you?" The doctor's face was completely devoid of expression.

Maybe? Maybe we aren't compatible after all? Her hopes were short-lived however as the doctor began to speak. She only half-listened, catching one or two words, but their meaning was clear.

"99.97% compatible... one of our highest results... definitely fertile... next five days... as much as possible... " He went on and on. Would the man never shut up? She wanted to get out of there. Go for a drive. She had to think. About anything. Anything but this

"Do you have any questions, Mrs. Fleming? Mark?" Janice looked up at Dr. Sanchez and shook her head -- almost afraid to speak. "Here is a folder with further instructions and a FAQ that should answer any further questions you may have. Now go home and procreate!"

Janice knew that it was a feeble attempt at humor to relieve the tension, but it was the final straw in a losing battle against the bile that had hovered dangerously in her throat. Looking around desperately for somewhere to vomit, she seized the wastepaper basket and was violently sick.
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Old 05-31-2003, 09:42 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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It takes half an hour before his mother stops vomiting and another half an hour after that before the doctor tells him to take her home. Luckily, since the hospital is only local, they have only a short distance to walk.

Back at the house, his mother excuses herself, telling him that she was going to lie down for a while. That 'while' becomes the rest of the morning and afternoon, with him going upstairs to check on her.

His mother is still in bed when the twins come home from school.
Doing his best, the boy makes some jam sandwiches for the twins and then wait for his father to come home...
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Old 06-04-2003, 01:51 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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Jack Fleming

"I'm home! Where is everyone?" Hanging his jacket in the hall closet, Jack walked into the living room.

"I'm here, dad. The little ones are in bed and mom... " Mark seemed a little reluctant to mention his mother, a fact not lost on Jack.

He walked over to his son and hugged him. "Thanks, Champ. I owe you one for today. How bout a ball game on the weekend? Just us guys."

"Okay, dad. Whatever."

"Whatever?" Jack gave an inward sigh. There was a time not so long ago that Mark would have been enthusiastic about getting away from the "girls". He couldn't help wondering if those days were lost forever.

"Sorry, dad. Was just concentrating on this movie," Mark offered as a quick excuse that didn't fool either of them.

"Okay then. I need to get a shower and check on our girl." The words our girl caught in Jack Fleming's craw. They had taken on a different meaning in the truest sense of the word and he would have given anything to take them back when he saw the look on Mark's face. Embarrassed, Jack cleared his throat and went upstairs to check on Janice.

The bedroom was dark as he entered, just a glimmer of light from the streetlamp outside creeping through a chink in the curtains. "Honey?" he whispered just in case. "Are you awake?"

"Uh huh."

Jack moved to his wife's side of the bed and sat down, rubbing her arm. "You okay?"

Janice hesitated, loath to bring up the unasked question that hung unspoken between them. "Ohh... Jack... " She melted into her husband's arms as he scooped her up, her body wracked by sobs. "They... I... we... "

"There there, love. It will be okay. It's not like we didn't expect this -- even if it isn't what we would have liked. I love you, Janice. With all of my heart. Nothing and no one will ever change that." Jack tried to sound braver than he was, knowing that she needed soothing and reassurance. They didn't have any other choice.
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Old 06-04-2003, 04:34 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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The rest of the evening, Mark is left alone to watch the telly. The twins in bed and his father staying upstairs with his mother.

Taking a sip from his pepsi, the boy is hardly aware of what he is watching as his mind goes over what has happened today. He is still feeling sore after what they did to him at the hospital.

He shivers at the memory. He wouldn't want to go through that again.

Not only that, he still remembers the look on the nurse's face when she first saw his dick. Though she didn't say anything to him, he did catch her opening her mouth in surprise. It had made him feel funny.

Finally, the events of the day overtakes him and he drifts off to sleep in the chair...
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Old 06-04-2003, 04:51 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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"Wake up, sleepy head!"

"Huh?" Drowsely, Mark finds himself being shaken by his father.

"Time for bed. It's almost midnight." His father tells him.

Still half asleep, he looks over at the television and finds it has already been switched off.

Must be late!

"'Kay, Dad. Goodnight." He says as he gets up to go to bed.

"You okay, Mark?" His father asks him.

Okay? He thinks to himself, his mind still sluggish.

"About what you and your mom will have to do?"

Oh! He had almost forgotten.

"I guess." He says, pausing. He is not sure how he feels nor does he really want to talk about it. Not now. Not with his dad.

"You know that your mother and I really love you, don't you?"

The boy nods.

"I know this is tough for you. Hell. It is tough for all of us." He hears the small chuckle but somehow he doesn't think his dad finds it funny. He doesn't.

"But it has to be done." His father continues. "We have no choice."

"Yeah. I understand, Dad." Though he is not sure if he does.

"Anyway, Mark." There is a pause. "Your mother and I feel that the two of you should get...erm...started tomorrow. So you won't be going to school."


"Erm...okay, Dad." He says.

For a few minutes, they just stand there, quiet, not saying anything. In the end, his father says 'goodnight'

The boy goes upstairs to bed and a sleepless night...
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Old 06-04-2003, 09:35 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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As her crying abated, Jack suggested she go wash her face while he made her a cup of tea. Janice dragged herself from the bed with effort and walked the few steps to the master bath.

She barely recognized the face that stared back at her from the mirror. Swollen, blotchy and tear-streaked, it was a grotesque parody of the Janice Fleming who had stood here a few days ago. There was no sparkle in her eyes, no roses in her cheeks -- her hair was dull and lackluster, reminding her of the time when she had let her family down before. When Jack had been ill with the plague.

"No!" Furious with herself, she turned the water on and began to scrub. Finally brushing her hair, she winced as it caught in the tangles. But that was all right -- pain was good right now. It made her alert and forced her to do what she needed to do. Janice might not like the situation, but it was up to her to make it successful and to keep her family from falling apart because of it.


"In the bathroom, Jack. Be right out." She looked in the mirror again. Her reflection wasn't the best, but it was certainly better than a few minutes ago. Appearance was everything at this point -- no matter how she felt.

Jack looked up as she came back into the bedroom. "You look a lot better, Jan. The kids are in bed. Mark, too." He added the last as an afterthought, separating Mark from the twins in a way he had never done before. Mark was eighteen after all. A man for all intents and purposes, especially with the task set before him now.

He struggled to keep the thought from his mind, but it was impossible. Janice had picked up a folder from the dresser and handed it to him silently before sitting down on the edge of the bed. "What's this?" Jack asked as he opened it up. "Oh."

Janice nodded in agreement as her husband riffled through the sheets inside. It was basically an instruction manual dealing with what could and might and probably would go wrong and what to do to remedy all of those things.

"As you can see, Mark and I were deemed... compatible." Janice said quietly. "I suppose we should have... today... you know... but I just couldn't, Jack. I just couldn't, dammit!"

Jack slipped his arm around his wife. "Let me take a look at this for a sec, Jan. I'll make sense of it and we'll work it all out. Everything is going to be okay. It's your duty. Our duty. Like it or not, we don't have any choice here. The decision was made for us."

She smiled at her husband, though it didn't extend to her eyes. How easy it was for him to say our when it really had nothing to do with him. Just her. And Mark. Their son. No, that wasn't fair either. It did affect Jack as well.

Please God, let everything be all right, she prayed silently. It would be all over as soon as she was pregnant. And they said she was especially fertile right now. All it would take would be one time, maybe two. She had gotten pregnant quickly with Jack. Okay, maybe three times at most. It was the best she could hope for.
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Old 10-26-2003, 05:28 PM
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Sunil is looking forward to a sleepless night as he lays in his bed. Soon his sister will be coming to say 'goodnight'.

He grins to himself as his hand plays with his stiffened tool.
"We need bigger guns." ~ Sergeant O'Neal, Godzilla (1998).
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Old 10-26-2003, 05:34 PM
Maid of Marvels Maid of Marvels is offline
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She watched Jack riffle through the pages in the folder, his silence was almost alarming in its intensity. Jan realized that she had been selfish in thinking this wouldn't affect him and reached out to caress her husband's face causing him to flinch.

"I'm... Gods, Jan. I was... concentrating," Jack stammered to cover his embarrassment, but it didn't fool her at all. He hated what was about to happen. Maybe even more than she did.

"It's okay, Jack. I understand," she replied, giving him a peck on the cheek as she picked up the folder from the bed where he had dropped it. "I suppose I really should be the one looking at this, huh? We can talk about it when I'm finished if you like."

Opening it for the first time on her own, she glanced down the index to see what it covered. The first mini chapters dealt with the plague and it's aftermath, followed by the need for procreation and a lot of other scientific mumbo jumbo that was moot in her opinion. Then, of course, there was the obligatory "how-to". Janice sighed. Of course it was more than possible that some of the couples had never been sexual with anyone.

"Insert Tab A into Slot B," she laughed ironically. Janice had never had sex that didn't involve love-making. This made it all sound so 'clinical'. Maybe that's what she needed to do. Look at it from a clinical standpoint rather than a personal one.

"I know, Jan. I saw that part, too" Jack said resignedly. "Maybe it's the next part that you need... "

His voice trailed off as he saw that his wife was already there -- Getting Your Partner Aroused. "If it's any consolation... Mark knows... the basics."

Seeing the look on Jan's face, Jack regretted the words as soon as they came out. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her, but she was as rigid as a flag pole. Jack couldn't remember a time in their lives when she had not responded to a hug. There would be a lot more changes in their lives. A lot more.

It was almost dawn by the time Janice finished reading. Jack had dozed off hours ago. She closed the folder and set it on the nightstand before turning off the lamp.

How simple this would all be depended on Mark and his willingness -- or not, she realized as she read. There were a few things that she had noted in the final chapters and planned to have Jack pick them up for her in the morning -- just in case. Praying for strength to get them all through this, sleep finally claimed her moments before the alarm went off.

"Sleep a bit, Jan" Jack murmured as he stretched and sat up. "I'll get the twins ready and fed and off to school."

Janice nodded groggily and murmured, "Thanks, love. There's a list to get by the lamp."

"Sure. What are... " Jack started to ask but Janice had already fallen back to sleep.
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Old 10-26-2003, 06:15 PM
Tivboman Tivboman is offline
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Off school again, Mark spends the next morning running errands before his father suggests he should take the dog out for a walk. Puzzled, the boy obeys, happy to have another reason to get out of the house.

"Take your time. Just be back for lunch, okay sport?" His father calls out.

Going to the nearby woods, he soon finds himself lost in thought as he strolls along.

He is confused. He thought that he is taking time off school so that he can 'do it' with his mom and get her pregnant. (Again, he feels that strange shiver at the thought.) But how come they are giving him all these things to do to get him out of the house?

Having no idea and not wishing to dwell on the subject, he tries his best to enjoy his walk but time and time again, his mind comes back to the subject.

Eventually, the time reaches 12.30 and slowly he heads for home. Even so, he reaches the front door before 1...
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