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Old 01-27-2018, 03:51 AM
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I got the message that the first photo ... a Canadian officer's funeral ... does not exist. Could the URL be incorrect? Just asking.

Series is excellent!
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Old 01-27-2018, 10:30 AM
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27 January 1918

Hm, that was an odd entry: it double-posted from the site I posted. Wonder if they fixed the "double" by eliminating that particular one. I'll see if I can track it down. In the meantime:

Western Front
Lieut.-General Sir L.E. Kiggell, Chief of the General Staff, British Expeditionary Force, France, resigns (see 24th, and December 22nd, 1915).
Treves bombed by British, Conflans and Metz district by French.
Naval aircraft bomb Aertrycke and Engel.
Royal Flying Corps Second Lieutenants Scholtz and Wookey (PoWs on October 17, 1917 near Cambrai when shot down in Bristol Fighters) sentenced to 10 years penal servitude for dropping anti-war leaflets behind German lines on Western Front.
A trench message dog waits for a British officer to complete writing a note: © IWM (Q 6476):

Southern Front
: (Asiago) Sassari Brigade and 4 Alpini battalions surprise attack and recapture Cols del Rosso and d’Echele with Mt Carone (until January 29) provoking 4-division counter-attacks that yield 2,500 PoWs, 6 guns and 100 MGs for 5,240 casualties.

Naval and Overseas Operations
The Yavuz Sultan Selim refloated inside the Dardanelles (see 20th).
Cunard liner S.S. Andania torpedoed off Ulster coast by U-46. The passengers are saved, but 7 crew are killed.
Argentine S.S. Ministro Iriondo torpedoed by Germans.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Turkish Dead Sea Flotilla seized by Arab camelry at El Mezraa.
Mesopotamia: General Dunsterville's Mission leaves Baghdad for North-West Persia (see February 17th).
British soldiers of the mission of General Dunsterville on the march through northern Mesopotamia towards the Russian oil fields of Baku in the Caucasus:

Political, etc
: Bolshevik Government breaks off diplomatic negotiations with Romania, latter’s legation leaves Petrograd on January 28.
Grand Duke Nicholas Konstantinovich of Russia, the grandson of Tsar Nicholas I, died of pneumonia:
France: French Food Minister Victor Boret says France will stop importing coffee to free up ships for the transportion of troops and other materials.
United States: U.S. government bans the production of white bread. Instead “Victory Bread,” containing 5-20% of other cereals, must be produced.
Finland: Fighting breaks out in Kämärä, Finland between the Communist Reds and the Whites, resulting in a Red victory. The Finnish Civil War begins.
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Old 01-27-2018, 10:36 AM
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Indeed, there is only one of the double-post from yesterday See if this is the correct link:
Funeral for a Canadian officer killed in action on the Western Front:
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Old 01-28-2018, 02:38 AM
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That worked ... thank you! Hard to believe there's only a bit more than 9 months left in this titanic struggle.
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Old 01-28-2018, 01:13 PM
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28 January 1918

Western Front
: Airplane raid on London: 67 killed, 166 injured; one enemy machine down. A 660lb bomb from the Giant R 12 hits London Odhams Press, Long Acre (118 casualties of night’s total 233). This raid carried out by 3 Gothas and 1 Giant actually reaching London; overall, 13 Gothas and 2 Giants were dispatched, 7 Gothas and 1 Giant attacked somewhere in England, and 3 Gotha & 1 Giant reached London. Record 103 defence sorties (1 Bristol Fighter lost to Giant R 12, 1 Sopwith Camel shot down by own anti-aircraft fire). The first unqualified air combat victories at night against another airplane takes place, when two Sopwith Camels of No.44 Squadron, piloted by Hackwill and Banks, shoot down a Gotha bomber, and the loss of the Bristol Fighter during this raid. Banks’ Camel is special (3-gun) model with illuminated Neame ringsight.
Western Front: All British aircraft leaflet-dropping stopped (until October 31); balloons instead.
French make two small attacks in Champagne and one in Upper Alsace.
Air attacks by British on Roulers and other aerodromes.
German trench raid “repulsed” between Lens and Arras.
Chinese Labour Corps members in Crecy Forest, France put on a sword display: © IWM (Q 8515):
British soldiers fishing over the Yser Canal in Belgium. One is using his rifle as a fishing rod: © IWM (Q 10637):

Eastern Front
Finish Civil War
: (until May 15): 9 Red Guard battalions take Helsinki but Mannerheim seizes Vaasa and Russian garrisons (5,000 PoWs, 37 guns, 34 MGs, 8000 rifles for 20 casualties until January 31).
Kullervo Manner is appointed Prime Minister of the Finnish Socialist Workers’ Republic, a rebel state:
Ukraine: Heavy fighting between Bolsheviks and Ukrainians at Lutsk.
Don: Cossacks mutiny and depose Alexei Kaledin.

Southern Front
Italians attack between Asiago and Brenta Valley and capture Col del Rosso and 1,500 prisoners.
“Suspicious” Italian civilians are escorted by Austro-Hungarian troops across a field in Veneto:

Naval and Overseas Operations
Further naval air attacks on Aertrycke and Engel.
Submarine Depot Ship (converted from a torpedo-gunboat) H.M.S. Hazard sunk in collision in Channel.
Dardanelles: HM Submarine E.14 (11 survivors PoWs) mined (another source says accidental internal explosion, forcing it to surface, and subsequently shelled and sunk) and sunk off Kum Kale in vain attempt to torpedo Yavuz Sultan Selim. (Lieutenant Commander G S White posthumous Victoria Cross in only Royal Navy vessel to have 2 captains with VC).
Picture of the crew:
The British submarine E.11, sister to the E.14, operated since 1915 in the Dardenelles and managed to sink the already obsolete Turkish pre-dreadnought Barbaros Hayreddin.
Spain: U-boat torpedoes SS Giralda, Government protests on February 6.
Mozambique: Ankwalu occupied by British.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Battle of Tafila
: Actions for Et Tafile by the Arab forces end (see 1st).
War Office reports further operations near Hejaz railway.

Political, etc
: Great strikes in Berlin, (until February 4). More than 100,000 people demonstrating in the streets of Germany to protest food shortages and the continuation of the war.
Russia: Romanian Legation ordered to leave Petrograd.
Lenin orders ‘Send grain, grain and again grain! Otherwise Petrograd will starve to death … for God’s sake!’
Council of People’s Commissars in Soviet Russia issues a decree forming the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army.
Estonia: Baron Eduard Dellinghausen invites Germans to occupy Estonia.
Romania: Ion Bratianu Cabinet resigns.
United States: Secretary of War Mr. Newton Baker makes statement on strength of Army.
(Listed for yesterday): U.S. government fires all lobbyists and lawyers employed by the railroads. American railroads were nationalized last December.
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Old 01-29-2018, 12:17 PM
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29 January 1918

Western Front
Another airplane raid on London: bombs dropped in outskirts, 10 killed, 10 wounded. This raid is carried out by 3 of 4 Giants sent; defences misidentified them as 15 Gothas. Major Murlis Green (No 44 Squadron Commander) attacks R 25 (hit 88 times) from close range but discovers new RTS ammo explodes prematurely; 4 other fighters (out of 73 sent up) also attack without success (night January 29-30).
Five engined Zeppelin Staaken ‘Giant’ (Likely the R-V, of which only one example was built):
Cambrai: Successful British trench raids and patrol encounters near Havrincourt and Bullecourt.
Royal Naval aircraft bomb Coolkerke aerodrome (Bruges).
Allied air raid on Zeebrugge.

Eastern Front
: One report says Red troops take Kiev and Odessa. A separate report says: Ukrainian-Soviet War heats up, with Soviet Russian troops attacking a smaller Ukrainian force, made up of mostly students, near Kruty. While the Ukrainians lose the battle, they slow down the Russian advance towards Kiev.
Pro-Soviet workers in the Kiev Arsenal launch an armed uprising in the Ukrainian capital:

Southern Front
Italian attack continues, Monte di Val Bella captured.
Surrendered Austro-Hungarian soldiers being escorted by the Italians after they were captured at Monte di Val Bella: © IWM (Q 65285):

Naval and Overseas Operations
: German-aligned native forces driven down Lujenda Valley towards Mtarika.

Political, etc
: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, Canadian poet and physician known for writing the poem “In Flanders Fields,” passed away at the front due to pneumonia:
United Kingdom: Signor Vittorio Orlando's visit to London; official communique records “complete understanding.”
Switzerland: Enver Pasha and Basil Zaharoff hold fruitless talks, former says Kaiser has told him ‘the future of Mesopotamia and Palestine would be decided on the French front’.
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Old 01-30-2018, 10:23 AM
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30 January 1918

Western Front
The Victoria Cross is awarded to Captain J.B. McCudden of No.56 Squadron, Royal Flying Corps, for "conspicuous bravery, exceptional perseverance, keenness and very high devotion to duty.":
France: First of 31 Gotha raids on Paris (259 casualties), 267 bombs (14t) dropped by 30 Gothas in 30 minutes (1 shot down).
BEF now deployed from Houthulst Forest, northeast of Ypres, to Barisis, northwest of Laon.

Eastern Front
: Negotiations between Russian Bolshevik Government and Central Powers again resumed (see 23rd, and February 10th).
Royal Navy Air Service Armoured Car Squadron rear party sail from Murmansk (until February 1).

Southern Front
Battle dies down on Asiago plateau; Italians gain ground along Frenzela Gorge and at Val Bella and Rosso, claiming an additional 1,100 prisoners.
Church in Enego, Italy, currently occupied by the Austro-Hungarians, after it suffered artillery damage from the Italians:

Naval and Overseas Operations
Brazil to send naval squadron to Europe.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British line advanced near Arnutiya, 12 miles north of Jerusalem.

Political, etc
: German strikes spread to Kiel, Munich and Hamburg.
Poster of the German War Office against strikes: ‘What Hindenburg thinks about strikes!’:
Russia: White politicians form Constitutional Council at Rostov.
Lenin orders 25,000 rifles and 30 MGs for Russian troops in Finland.
France: Allied War Council meets at Versailles.
France announces it will increase the rights of Algerians fighting in the French Army, such as by opening up all ranks and decorations for Algerians, equaling pay, and giving pathways for naturalization.
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Old 01-31-2018, 11:39 AM
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31 January 1918

Western Front
Western Front
: In January Record of 18 Jastas (including 48-63) formed after 7 in December 1917; 14 new airfields opposite BEF Fifth Army.
Germany: In January monthly aviation fuel delivery 6,000t only 50% of target.
Britain: During January 3 National Aircraft Factories begin production (5 more by July).
British soldiers trying out a pillory they found in Bapaume, France: © IWM (Q 10646):
Australian soldier at a mine rescue station at Hulluch, France. The apparatus helps him breath in the tunnels underneath the trenches:

Eastern Front
: (Listed for yesterday): The city of Kiev, Ukraine is paralyzed as the Bolshevik uprising strengthens and many other workers also go on strike.

Southern Front
Strong Austro-Hungarian counter-attack on Monte di Val Bella defeated.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: U-boat minelayers attempt until late September to seal off Forth to Grand Fleet and Norwegian convoys with batches of 36 mines at 10-mile intervals in a semi-circle, but after third batch British locate and sweep without Germans realizing.
‘Battle of May Island’: In sortie with 5 battlecruisers from Rosyth 2 K-class submarine flotillas suffer record disastrous night collisions in which K.4 and K.17 are lost (103 die); 2 others damaged along with battlecruiser Inflexible and cruiser Fearless (night January 31 to February 1).
Admiral Frederick Sturdee leaves Grand Fleet to be C-in-C the Nore, Vice-Admiral Sir M Browning takes over 4th Battle Squadron.
Allied and neutral shipping lost to U-boats: 123 ships (57 British with 291 lives) worth 302,088t (British 179,973). U-boat figure 160 ships worth 295,630t including 61 ships of 141,166t in Mediterranean (7 of 26,020t to Austrians); 10 U-boats sunk (3 unknown cause).
Germany: World’s largest destroyer S-113 launched at Elbing (Baltic) by Schichau, 2415t and 347ft overall with 4×5.9in guns, 4 torpedo tubes and 40 mines. Top speed 36 kts but poor seakeeping prevents her and 6 others launched by Armistice from being operational.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Two Royal Flying Corps Spads shoot down German two-seater near Falluja but crew escape. RFC loses 4 aircraft to engine failure in month.

Political, etc
: Colonel-General Boehm-Ermolli made Field Marshal.
Germany: Martial Law in Berlin, Hamburg, etc.; Trade Unions refuse strike pay. Several factories militarized, many workers drafted. OHL prepares divisions for home use.
Russia: Third Soviet Congress adopts ‘Fundamental Law of Land Socialisation’ (decree published on February 19) and replaces Julian with Gregorian Calendar.
Red 1st Northern Flying Column (including 400 sailors) takes Orenburg (Urals) from Ataman Dutov.
Lenin as a hero of the revolution:
France: Gare de Lyons ticket offices ‘besieged’ following German air raid on Paris.
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Old 02-01-2018, 05:31 AM
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1 February 1918

Western Front
Royal Flying Corps
: The 41st Wing is renamed VIII Brigade.
France: In February 3 Italian Caproni bomber squadrons arrive (until February 19), fly 68 operations for 22 casualties by Armistice. Royal Flying Corps 41st Wing becomes 8th brigade. 4 Gotha bomber squadrons raid Paris, 45 die.
During February the French Army adopts lighter, more comfortable ARS gas mask (5 million made).
A funeral for a French officer at the front:
Britain: Prince Albert (future King George VI) joins RNAS HMS Daedalus at Cranwell, Lincs, becomes OC No 4 Squadron Boy Wing (Captain in RAF from April 1). RFC fighter squadron aircraft establishment increased from 18 to 24; Sopwith Camel squadrons thus by March 21.
Germany: JG 2 (Captain Adolph von Tutschek) formed from Jastas (each 14 aircraft) 12, 13, 15 and 19 plus JG 3 (Captain Bruno Lorzer) from Jastas 2, 26, 27 (Goering) and 36. Another 12 Jastas including Nos 68-75 formed in February.
North Sea: US Air Service takes over Dunkirk seaplane station.
Artois: New German Seventeenth Army formed under Otto von Below.
Occupied Belgium: At Charleroi Bavarian Captain Bomschlegel restores during February 30 British Cambrai Mk IV tanks to an operational state for German use.

Eastern Front
5 German divisions transfer to Western Front during February.
Russia: Yeremeyev forms Soviet I Corps at Petrograd.

Southern Front
During February new high-speed Italian Ansaldo SVA5 two-seater introduced (1,200 built), improves long-range and photo reconnaissance work.
An Italian SVA5 flies a reconnaissance mission:
Salonika: During February RFC now have up to 8 SE5as enabling it to destroy up to 4 German aircraft (January 31 and February 5).

Naval and Overseas Operations
Sir E. Geddes (inaccurately) states submarines being sunk as fast as Germany can build them.
Channel: From February High Seas Fleet U-boat flotillas abandon Dover Straits route due to mine barrage, but 29 Flanders boats use route in February.
North Sea: Royal Navy minelayers lay a deep minefield off the Skaw (Kattegat).
France: In February physicist Langevin begins sea test of quartz transducer off Toulon, detects submarine for first time at up to 5 miles-this is what was later known as ASDIC or active sonar.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Extension of the British East Persia Cordon into Khorasan begins. [In relief of Russian forces withdrawn by Bolshevik Government.] (see July 29th, 1915)

Political, etc
: Austrian Naval mutiny at Cattaro. Initial demands for better treatment were soon replaced by political demands and a call for peace. Sailors initially demand better living conditions, then peace without annexation, and demobilization, but fail to win army garrison or German U-boat personnel. Mutiny collapses on ultimatum and arrival of 3 battleships from Pola. 3 leaders flee to Italy in seaplane, c.800 men removed from ships, 40 tried and 4 executed. Emperor Charles sends Archduke Admiral Stephen to conduct inquiry.
Germany: German strikes die down.
Ukraine: Central Powers recognise the Ukraine Republic (see 9th, and November 20th, 1917).
United Kingdom: British Foreign Office rejects Centrobalt idea of Britain paying Russian fleet.
United States: U.S. currently spends $39 million a day on the war, of which $15 million is used as loans for the Allies.
Greece: Mutiny of Greek troops at Lamia suppressed; M.M. Skouloudhis and Lambros arrested. King Alexander visits, refuses clemency to ringleaders and orders shooting of 2 who plunder a village.
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Old 02-02-2018, 11:49 AM
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2 February 1918

Western Front
: End of Supreme War Council meeting. Supreme War Council sanctions Allied General Reserve for Western, Italian and Balkan Fronts. Foch submits plan for 17 divisions behind Western Front and 13 on Italian on February 6. On February 12 Petain and Haig oppose then compromise on a 12-mile extension of BEF line.
U.S. troops reported in front line.
Men of the Kite Balloon Section rearing rabbits at Biefvillers: © IWM (Q 12143):
Telegraph wires weighed down by heavy frost in Albert, France: © IWM (Q 6483):

Naval and Overseas Operations
The HMS K.4 beached, after the disastrous operation known as the “battle” of May island:
East Africa: Last 6 Royal Flying Corps planes withdrawn by February 9.
One of the British Voisin planes in East Africa, which was used for reconnaissance and for connecting flights. In addition there were also some Caudrons:
An ammunition train destroyed at Ytres, France: © IWM (Q 8450):

Political, etc
: (Listed for yesterday): Sándor Wekerle, the Prime Minister of Hungary, states: “Our readiness for peace is sincere and earnest. We never strove nor do we strive for conquests.”
Germany: Strikes and antiwar demonstrations in Germany continue, but dwindle in intensity, as workers are threatened with punishment if they do not go back to work. Several socialist and labour leaders have been imprisoned.
Russia: Russia issues a decree separating the church from state and school.
France: National Office of Disabled and Discharged Soldiers formed.
Netherlands: The Netherlands bans the serving of tea in cafes, restaurants, hotels, and other establishments due to lack of supplies caused by the war.
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Old 02-03-2018, 11:24 AM
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3 February 1918

Western Front
About 185 German divisions on Western Front.
Allied propaganda poster celebrates politicians and generals as ‘giants of democracy’. Britain’s Lloyd George, Haig, US President Wilson and General Pershing and France’s Foch:

Eastern Front
Finish Civil War
: (until May 15): 1,600 White Guards capture Oulu in north and clear up to Swedish border until February 6. In center, Reds vainly assault White line from February 2 to 12.
An Austro-Hungarian prisoner of war with a violin returning from captivity in Russia:

Southern Front
Austro-Hungarians bomb Venice, Padua, and other towns in Venetian plain.

Political, etc
: The mutiny of Austro-Hungarian sailors at Cattaro (Kotor) is crushed by loyalist forces, and around 800 mutineers are imprisoned. They had been demanding better treatment and the end to war.
Germany: Berlin garrison commander tells strikers return to work or be shot. Across Germany, 150 people are imprisoned, and 50,000 people are slated to be drafted into the army and sent to the front.
France: Following the German air raid on Paris last week, measures have been taken to protect artworks such as by placing sandbags around statues and taking down paintings and stained-glass windows to be stored safely.
United Kingdom: British Government announce enlargement of powers of Supreme War Council at Versailles (see November 7th, 1917, and December 1st, 1917).
Belgium: A pro-Flemish independence march in Antwerp in German-occupied Belgium. German authorities are alleged to have purposefully heightened divisions in the country: © IWM (Q 79588):
Switzerland: American George D Herron meets Austrian Imperial adviser Heinrich Lammasch in low-level abortive peace feelers.
Sweden: Finnish Stockholm Minister on own initiative requests Swedish intervention, Prime Minister refuses, suggests mediation on February 4. The Finns cable Berlin.
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Old 02-04-2018, 11:46 AM
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4 February 1918

Western Front
Considerable aerial activity; more American troops occupy portions of western battle front.
Lorraine: Count Felix Bothmer (ex-Eastern Front Suedarmee) in command of new German Nineteenth Army for duration of war.
A British observation balloon falling down in flames after being shot by German aircraft over Boyelles: © IWM (Q 11972):
A British 12-inch howitzer mountain on a railway carriage near Arras: © IWM (Q 8466):

Eastern Front
: The Bolshevik uprising in Kiev is put down, but Soviet Russian forces are approaching the Ukrainian capital.
General Alexei Kaledin reported to have relinquished leadership of Cossacks to General Mikhail Alexeiev. General Alexeiev with Don Cossacks moves towards Moscow against the Bolshevik forces (see 13th), the ‘Ice March’.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Mtarika occupied by British troops.

Political, etc
: Bolo Pasha trial commences; death sentence (February 14, executed at Vincennes April 17), had received German funds to corrupt press.
The poster calls on French civilians and soldiers to pay attention to enemy agents and spies:
United Kingdom: British Government make declaration to King of the Hejaz reaffirming their pledges as to freeing the Arab peoples (see October 24th, 1915, December 15th, 1916, December 17th, 1917, and January 4th, 1918).
Canada: Canadian government orders the suspension of factories in eastern Canada on February 9, 10, and 11 to conserve fuel.
United States: German Aliens registration week.
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Old 02-05-2018, 11:31 AM
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5 February 1918

Western Front
French airmen bomb Saarbrucken junction.
Western Front: Lieutenant Thompson of 103rd Aero Squadron (mainly Lafayette Escadrille veterans) first American fighter pilot serving in US forces to score in air combat. AEF has 225 aircraft (9 squadrons) on February 1.
An American fighter squadron, equipped with British S.E.5a.:

Southern Front
Venice Mestre, and Treviso are bombed by Austro-Hungarian and German bombers for a second day in a row.

Naval and Overseas Operations
British S.S. Tuscania carrying United States troops, sunk by submarine off Irish coast, 166 US soldiers, 44 crew lost. (The only loss sustained by U.S. transports when under British naval escort).
SS Tuscania, sunk by the German submarine UB-77:

Political, etc
: Representatives from the Central Powers governments meet in Berlin to discuss food shortages and the ongoing peace negotiations with Russia and Ukraine.
Russia: First Duma of Independent Siberian Republic opens.
France: 3,000 people in Roanne (Loire Department) protest against bread shortage, burn cotton magnate’s house, looting (until February 6) but riots ends by February 26.
United Kingdom: Food Ministry offers amnesty to food hoarders.
Andrew Bonar Law says that German U-Boats have killed 14,120 British civilians over the course of the war.
United States: Captain Franz Rintelen and 10 other Germans fined and imprisoned for trying to sink British SS Kirk Oswald. Committee on Public Information appeals to public not to shoot US Signal Corps carrier pigeons.
American soldiers parading down 5th Avenue in New York before sailing to Europe:
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Old 02-06-2018, 02:37 AM
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More good, good stuff! Thanks.
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Old 02-06-2018, 05:16 AM
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6 February 1918

Western Front
First US Royal Flying Corps squadron (No 17) arrives (left Texas December 19, 1917), 9 more follow until March.
Reprisals threatened if British leaflet-scattering airmen improperly treated.
Bulgarian soldiers on the Western Front after being transferred from the East: © IWM (Q 87426):

Eastern Front
: Peace negotiations between Soviet Russia and the Central Powers at Brest-Litovsk is in a deadlock over the status of Ukraine. Ukraine is also negotiating separately with the Central Powers.

Political, etc
: German language Red broadcast from Tsarkoe Selo calls for military revolt and Kaiser’s murder.
Bolshevist campaign against Orthodox Church rousing opposition.
France: This French poster calls for women’s suffrage. Through the increased involvement of women in the world of work during the war, they gained the right to vote in Britain in 1918, while in France they had to wait until 1945:
United Kingdom: Electoral Reform Act passed, 6 million WOMEN OVER 30 RECEIVE VOTE, Commons enlarged by 37 members to 707
Romania: German Government send ultimatum to Romania demanding peace negotiations within four days (see 25th).
M. Ion Bratianu, Romanian Premier, resigns (appointed January 14th, 1914) (see 9th). General Alexandru Averescu forms new Cabinet on February 9.
United States: President Wilson asks for new powers to reorganize the Government and war machine.
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