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Old 10-14-2018, 07:02 AM
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14 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
: Roulers recaptured by Allied forces (see October 18th, 1914).
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of the Argonne (see October 15th): US First Army attacks*Kriemhilde Line, 32nd Division storms Cote Dame Marie ridge.
Aisne: French advance on River Aisne west of Rethel.
Western Front, Air: US Northern Bombing Group flies first raid (8 by October 27), 100t bombs dropped (until November 11). RAF drops over 2,000 bombs (40t) in Flanders offensive.
An US 155 mm howitzer firing at German positions during the Maas-Argonne offensive:
New Zealand and British troops resting next to a field at Esnes, France:
French Prime Minister Clemenceau and British Field Marshal Haig reviewing French troops at Cambrai: © IWM (Q 9553):
A German prisoner, British wounded, and Belgian stretcher-bearers at a dressing station near Dadizele, Belgium: © IWM (Q 7115):
New Zealand troops with captured German guns at Esnes, France:

Southern Front
: Durazzo (see 2nd), Novi Bazar (see November 20th, 1915), and Ipek (see December 6th, 1915) retaken by Italian forces.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
British, Indian and Turkoman troops attack Bolsheviks, and after severe Indian losses drive Russians from Dushak (90 miles west of Merv).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British troops from Vladivostok reach Irkutsk (Siberia) (see 18th and July 13th and August 3rd).

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: S.S. Brussels at Zeebrugge torpedoed by British destroyers.
5 Royal Navy monitors (including 2 with all-time heaviest 18-inch naval guns) shell Snaeskerke German batteries for last time.
Eastern Atlantic: Portuguese auxiliary gunboat Augusto de Castilho, hopelessly outgunned and escorting passenger ship (saved), sunk in gallant duel with U-139 (Lothar von Arnauld) between Madeira and Azores.

Political, etc
Czech Provisional Government formed.
United Kingdom: Government threatens reprisals if Germany does not redress PoW grievances within 4 weeks. Germany threatens reprisals on October 23. Mr Justice Youngers’ 1918 PoW Report published, reveals ill-treatment close to front line under British fire. (But ignores similar, and prior Allied abuses of this nature).
The King presents £10,000 to Red Cross.
United States: President Wilson replies to German Government, attaching further military conditions to the terms of armistice, and warning against further breaches of laws of war, and insists on dealing only with a democratic Government (see 12th and 20th).
Turkish Government Note to President Wilson proposing an armistice delivered at Washington.
A massive fire that broke out yesterday devastates northeastern Minnesota, killing over 450 people. German sabotage is suspected, but it likely started as an accident:
Spain: Spaniards take over seven German ships as agreed compensation.
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Old 10-15-2018, 12:11 PM
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15 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
: Further advance in Flanders; Belgians close to Thourout. Menin captured by Allied forces (see October 9th, 1914), who then close on Courtrai.
British advance north-east of Lens.
Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Battle of the Argonne (see October 15th): Battle of Champagne and Argonne ends (see September 26th). French advance along River Serre and in the Argonne.
Edward, Prince of Wales, reviewing New Zealand troops at Beauvois, France:
Red Cross nurse feeds a wounded soldier through a tube at Souilly, France:
Advancing British soldiers pass by Belgian refugees near Heule: © IWM (Q 7120):
British stretcher bearers return from the front during the Battle of Courtai, while Belgian civilians watch: © IWM (Q 7119):
Belgian civilians inspect an abandoned German machine gun post near Heule: © IWM (Q 7122):
New Zealand troops at Beauvois, France gather around a map to see the Allies’ progress:

Eastern Front
: Pyotr Krasnov’s Don Cossack offensive threatens Tsaritsyn; Ioakim Vatsetis orders it not to be given up.

Southern Front
: Serb First Army again in action with enemy including Austrian 30th Division (from Ukraine), pursues (until October 18). First Allied train reaches Veles.
Salonika: Milne and Royal Navy C-in-C Mediterranean Admiral Calthorpe discuss combined operations vs Turkey.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Homs occupied by British cavalry.
Australian cavalry on the Damascus-Homs road as Allied troops continue to pursue Ottoman soldiers north through Syria:

Political, etc
: Austrian Lublin Government agrees to give Poles eastern districts.
Hungarian Prime Minister Sandor Wekerle arrives in Vienna and gets manifesto exemption for Hungarian crown lands.
Germany: Since September 26, 43 German reserve divisions committed in the West.
Imperial Order subjects military to civil authority. 1,500 Berliners die of flu.
United Kingdom: Two Committees on Indian reform announced.
American soldiers arriving in England before heading to the front in France:
Emerging States: Yugoslav demand for peace based on popular rights issued.
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Old 10-16-2018, 04:22 AM
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16 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
: Flanders army advances, taking part of Courtrai, etc. Corporal Adolf Hitler (16th Bavarian Reserve Regiment) wounded by BEF gas shell (evacuated half-blinded to Pasewalk hospital, Pomerania).
Last shelling of Dunkirk by long-range gun.
Artois: OHL orders Sixth and Seventeenth Armies to retreat into Hermann line.Germans retreats from Douai-Lille front, pursued by British.
Meuse: AEF breaks through kriemhilde lines in fierce attacks (October 16, 17 and 18). German coy commander writes home ‘… a quick end is to be hoped for, there is nothing more to be saved’. Americans enter Grand Pre after hard fight.
Strong German counter-attack on River Selle.
Aisne: French troops (Gouraud) cross river storming Vouziers heights and capturing Grandpre.
American Mk V Tanks attacking German trenches:

Southern Front
: Greece cleared of Bulgarians; Proclamation issued.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: Armenian General Andranik harassing Turkish communications about Erivan.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British cavalry completes the capture of the city of Homs from the Ottomans as the advance towards Aleppo progresses. The city of Homs:
Siberia: Bolsheviks try to stop Middlesex battalion at Zema.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Royal Navy submarine L.12 sinks U-90 in Skagerrak, G.2 likewise dispatches U-78 on October 28.
Germany: Fast light cruiser Frauenlob II launched at Kiel.

Political, etc
: Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl issues manifesto proclaiming a Federal State six self-governing nationalities, but Transylvania to remain Hungary’s, on the principle of Nationality (see 5th and 29th).
Row in Hungarian Parliament.
Germany: Peace demonstrations in Berlin; public opinion much disturbed.
Russia: M. Vladimir Lenin again wounded. Lenin posing with his books in his Kremlin office in Moscow:
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Old 10-17-2018, 09:35 AM
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17 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
(to 19/20 October): Belgians enter Ostend by land, their King and Queen and Sir R. Keyes by sea; Cavalry at gates of Bruges.
Battle of the Selle begins (see 25th/26th): British-American attack on nine-mile front carries line of Selle south of Le Cateau. BEF Fourth, Third and First Armies (8th Division occupies Douai and Canadians cross Sensee Canal) and US II Corps assault Hermann position at 0530 hours on 10-mile front south from Le Cateau (captured) and line 3 miles to east on October 18 with 5,000 PoWs and 60 guns.
British reach outskirts of Tourcoing.
Meuse: Americans fight west of Grand pre.
Western Front, Air: Rain and mist restricts flying (until October 27) and aids retreating Germans. RAF pilots land at Ghistelles, Ghent and in Ostend market square, just as Germans leave.
Allied troops take the towns of Thourout, Ostend, Lille, and Douai. Civilians in Lille waving French and British flags to welcome the soldiers: © IWM (Q 11811):
American soldiers demonstrating a captured German flamethrower: © IWM (Q 60982):
A wounded French soldier without and with a face mask:
Men of the Meteorological Section of the Royal Engineers fill up balloons used to assess wind and weather conditions: © IWM (Q 12115):
American tanks advancing at St. Souplet: © IWM (Q 49398):
4th Army headquarters inside a camouflaged railway train near Péronne, France: © IWM (E (AUS) 3929):
Troops of the Northamptonshire Regiment resting in a trench at Molain: © IWM (Q 70745):

Southern Front
: Franco-Serbs occupy Knyazhevats and Krushevats.
Montenegrins rise against Austrians.
French capture Ipek.
Over half of Serbia cleared of Austro-Hungarians.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: British troops in Transcaspia capture Dushak, driving back Bolsheviks (announced).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Tigris railway extended by British beyond Tekrit.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: German Navy evacuates Ostend, Zeebrugge and Bruges, abandoning 9 coastal torpedo boats.
Mediterranean: Austrian U-boats ordered home.

Political, etc
: Hungarian Parliament declares independence except for Crown as figurehead.
Hungarian soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian army in leisurely occupation of a road junction in Prague in October 1918. The Habsburg empire meekly conceded nationalist demands:
Germany: Kaiser Wilhelm II & Erich Ludendorff and Prince Max confer on reply to US note. Full Cabinet: Ludendorff demands a fight to the finish, denounces Wilson’s second Note and declares ‘… on my conscience a breakthrough [by Allies] is unlikely’; in 4 weeks campaigning season will be over; that, provided with promised reinforcements he can retire to Antwerp-Meuse Line, to resume in spring 1919. If necessary, Belgium must again become a battleground ‘so that 1914 will be child’s play compared to it’. Ludendorff, interrogated by Imperial Chancellor, calls situation grave but not hopeless (‘perhaps Germany’s luck may return’). War Minister Scheuch says c.600,000 reinforcements raisable but warns that if Rumanian oil … is cut off Army (and Air Force) can only continue operations for another 6 weeks.
United Kingdom: British Government recognises Polish Army as autonomous.
London subscribes 31 million pounds National War Bonds in nine days.
King George V becomes Col-in-Chief, Tank Corps.
United States: Bolshevik-German correspondence published in Washington.
A New York City postman wearing a gauze mask to protect himself from the Spanish flu:
Emerging States: Proclamation in Prague of Czech Republic (Council in Paris declares formal independence on October 18), and at Agram of Yugoslav independence.
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Old 10-18-2018, 04:25 AM
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18 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
(to 19/20 October): British have advanced six miles east of Douai-Lille, and three miles east of Le Cateau. Belgians approach Bruges after strong resistance.
Battle of the Selle (see 25th/26th): Charles Mangin’s French Tenth Army wins final victory breaking Hunding line astride river Serre (Czechs in action on October 22), north of Laon. Mangin and HQ withdrawn for planned Lorraine offensive (October 27). Rupprecht letter to Chancellor describes exhausted troops short of artillery, horses, ammo, fuel and officers, ends ‘… we must obtain peace before the enemy breaks into Germany’. Foch moves his headquarter north to Senlis.
Meuse: Stiff fighting on Grand Pre-Vouziers line. Germans pushed back.
Western Front, Air: RAF Handley Page bombers drop 4t bombs on Namur rail station and Charleroi.
A French Peugeot armored car provides fire support:
The ruins of Douai, France after its recapture by the Allies. The north and east side were destroyed by delayed German mines:

Eastern Front
North Russia
: Allies push on to Soroka (south-west White Sea) from Murmansk.

Southern Front
: Italians active on their mountain fronts, but overall, heavy rain postpones Allied offensive to October 24.
Bulgaria: Bulgaria cleared of Germans.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British hold Turks at Fatha (30 miles north of Tekrit, Tigris).
Siberia: British troops from Vladivostok reach Omsk (see 14th).
British troops repel far superior number of Bolsheviks at Seletsko (160 miles up Dvina river from Archangel).
Czechoslovaks pressed back by Bolsheviks in East Russia.

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Scheer deceives the Kaiser ‘The Fleet shall again become available for other tasks’ (ie the final sortie) if ending U-boat warfare not followed by an immediate ceasefire'. Coastal submarine UB-123 presumed sunk on Northern Barrage.
Adriatic: 16 Royal Navy destroyers leave Otranto Barrage (mine net barrage completed to Fano Island) for Aegean, 24 trawlers follow.
Mediterranean: Spanish zone in Morocco in complete anarchy: Raisuli and Abdul Malek and German influence supreme.
Mozambique: Lettow learns of Bulgaria’s surrender from captured newspapers.

Political, etc
: Count Istvan Tisza admits defeat.
Count Stephan Burian resigns.
France: The Czechoslovak Provisional Government in Paris publishes its Declaration of Independence: tion
United Kingdom: Higher allowances to dependents of fighters granted.
Prince of Wales gives £3,000 to Red Cross.
United States: President Wilson replies to Austro-Hungarian Note of October 4th (see 27th); declines suggestions.
New York policemen carrying an effigy of Kaiser Wilhelm during a parade. The effigy is later hanged from the top of the Woolworth building:
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Old 10-19-2018, 09:02 AM
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19 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of Courtrai
(to 19/20 October): Battle of Courtrai or Battle of Roulers or Second Battle of Belgium ends (see 14th).
Lys: Ludendorff directs Rupprecht to hold Hermann Lys position for at least 8 days as Plumer’s Second Army forces river in 6-mile advance taking Courtrai on October 20.
Zeebrugge and Bruges reoccupied by Belgian forces (see October 12th and 14th, 1914); their left on Dutch frontier; whole coast and west Flanders liberated.
Allied soldiers visit an abandoned German coastal battery position on the Belgian coast:
Battle of the Selle (see 25th/26th): French break Hunding Line between Sissonne and River Serre.
British-American advance continued between the Oise and Le Cateau.
Artois: 4th Canadian Division liberates Denain in record day’s advance of nearly 7 miles; Prince of Wales attends thanksgiving ceremony. British advance east of Douai and Lille and take Marchienne.
France: FOCH’S LAST GENERAL DIRECTIVE to his 14 armies.
Western Front, Air: Canadian Western Front ace Quigley (34 victories) dies of flu.
Fritz Otto Bernert, German ace with 27 victories despite only having one functioning arm, dies to the Spanish flu:
King Albert letter to Curzon praises RAF support in Allied victory of September 28-30.
British troops entering Lille, accompanied by a French boy:
American troops at an outdoor church service next to a ruined church in Verdun:
French tanks passing through Rampont:
Belgian troops resting near Pervijze with observation balloons in the background: © IWM (Q 11394):
Allied troops capture Zeebrugge and Bruges. German concrete shelters used to house U-boats at Bruges: © IWM (Q 7745):
British tanks, shielded by smoke, advance across an open field: © IWM (Q 56295):
Inhabitants of Ostend, Belgium go out into the streets to welcome the arriving Allied soldiers: © IWM (Q 11380):
A Canadian soldier enjoying blackberries that he had just gathered:

Eastern Front
North Russia
: Allied troops from Murmansk have cleared Karelia of enemy, and from Archangel have occupied Kadish (100 miles south of Archangel) (announced).

Southern Front
: Serbs occupy Zayechar (Austrian-Bulgarian-Serb frontier).
Bulgaria: French reach Danube at Vidin, capture convoy of lighters on October 21; Franchet d’Esperey reports first French guns heard on Danube since 1809. Jouinot-Gambetta’s cavalry reach Danube at Vidin (October 21) after 437-mile march in 36 days.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Two Australian No 1 Squadron Bristol fighters destroy German two-seater 25 miles southwest of Aleppo (bombed October 23), and Babannet airfield to north attacked.
Persia: Despite flu (1,453 sick on October 23) British occupy Ahram, but Zair Khidar and Wassmuss have fled; c.1,000 British leave Shiraz on October 20 to relieve Firuzabad from 2,000 tribesmen (October 25) before flu strikes.
Mesopotamia: Germans withdraw all 1200 advisers, planes, guns and transport (continues until October 21).

Naval and Overseas Operations
(announced from Madrid).
Britain: First torpedo plane squadron with 20 Sopwith Cuckoos embarked in British carrier Argus.

Political, etc
United Kingdom: Haig visits CIGS and War Cabinet in London, considers ‘enemy was not ready for unconditional surrender’ but urges terms for 1918 armistice to prevent winter recovery by Germany.
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Old 10-20-2018, 12:18 PM
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20 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): British cross the Selle river in face of heavy resistance. British two miles from Tournai.
Flanders armies continue advance; British across whole of Lys river on their front.
Entire Belgian coast in hands of Allies.
Lorraine: Ferdinand Foch directs Philippe Petain to prepare to launch offensive as latter requested (October 14).
Meuse and Argonne: US losses now 54,158 men.
Wounded French soldiers at a Red Cross hospital:
Belgian women sitting on an abandoned German coastal gun in Ostend: © IWM (Q 11380):
French civilians in Lille looking at a dummy tank made by the Germans to resemble a British Whippet tank: © IWM (Q 9599):
British soldiers with two Belgian refugee children at Courtrai: © IWM (Q 11391):
American troops reenacting for the cameras an attack through barbed war at the Argonne, France:

Eastern Front
South Russia
: Heavily-mauled Czech 4th Regiment mutinies, 1st Regiment soon follows.

Southern Front
Serbia: Battle of Paracin
(until October 23): Serbian First Army attacks strong counter-attacking German rearguards in Upper Morava valley. Serbian Second Army relieves French at Pristina before advance to Western Morava valley via Kossovo.
Corporal of a German infantry regiment in Serbia in October 1918:

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Coastal submarine UB-86 is the last outward bound boat to cross Northern Barrage for Irish Sea.
Irish Sea: S.S. Dundalk torpedoed in Irish Channel.
English Channel: Royal Navy monitor M.21 strikes 2 mines off Ostend, towed back to Dover but sinks.

Political, etc
: German Government reply to President Wilson's Note accepting proposals contained therein (see 14th and 23rd).
Turkey: General amnesty to exiles and refugees; part of Izzet Pasha Government program read to Assembly (October 19). Press meet and agree to act together (October 21).
United States: Fourth Liberty Loan in U.S.A. exceeds $1.5 billion.
“Shoulder Army,” a comedy film starring Charlie Chaplin, Edna Purviance, and Sydney Chaplin, is released:
Denmark: Denmark proposes to Germany a plebiscite (as to nationality) for Schleswig-Holstein.
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Old 10-21-2018, 10:11 AM
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21 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): French advance between Rivers Serre and Oise; stubborn fighting north of Verdun.
Belgians three miles from Ghent, across Derivation Canal to Eede (Dutch frontier).
British push on; stubborn resistance.
Sir Douglas Haig's despatch of 20 July, on March and April withdrawal, published.
Exhibition in Paris display captured German helmets:
American soldiers and French children at the village of Vaubecourt, France:
German howitzer knocked over by Canadian artillery:
A funeral for an American soldier at La Rochelle, France:

Southern Front
: Italians fighting on Asiago and Grappa fronts.
Armando Diaz’s final orders for upcoming offensive stress aim ‘to separate the Austrian forces on the Trentino from those on the Piave’.
The new Italian C-in-C General Armando Diaz (right), appointed after the defeat of Caporetto, succeeded in reorganising the Italian Army and improving morale by making various concessions to the soldiers:
Serbia: Battle of Paracin (until October 23): French capture convoy of lighters at Lom Palanka (Danube). (Duplicate notice from yesterday?)
Bulgaria: British 26th Division arrives by rail (until October 23) at Mustapha Pasha on Bulgarian-Turkish frontier west of Adrianople where garrison of only 1 battalion with 2 guns.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Irish Sea: Last merchant ship (coaster Saint Bareham, 8 lives lost) sunk by U-boat in British home waters.

German light cruiser SMS Frankfurt accidentally collides with the U-boat SM UB-89, sinking the submarine and killing 7. The SMS Frankfurt:

Political, etc
: German Austrians declare independence at Vienna and form National Provincial Assembly (2nd mtg passes fundamental laws October 30).
The Ban of Croatia refuses offer of Military Governor of Agram to suppress the Yugoslav National Council (see 5th and 29th).
Germany: Erich Ludendorff approves Reinhard Scheer’s U-boat plan, including release of skilled workers from front. Kaiser meets Reichstag at Berlin Bellevue Palace, ISP leader says ‘Crowns are rolling about the floor’.
France: The Le Matin newspaper’s ‘Panorama of the Battle of Liberation’ map posted up in Paris.
United Kingdom: King George receives Inter-Parliamentary delegates.
David Beatty insists to War Cabinet meeting on German Fleet’s surrender as well as all U-boats and Heligoland.
Lord Beaverbrook resigns as Information Minister (ill-health). Labour Minister reports that Special Branch and GHQ Home Forces preparing supply of auxiliary labour. Thomson (Special Branch) writes that working-class morale ‘Probably at its highest point’, but warns of union strike plans.
Belgium: German Governor-General of Belgium pardons Belgians and neutrals convicted by Court Martial.
Belgian Bill for German damage already nearly 400 million pounds.
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Old 10-22-2018, 07:06 AM
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22 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): French and Czechoslovaks push Germans back on the Serre river.
Scheldt: British First Army closes in on Valenciennes, 3rd Canadian Division clears Foret de Raismes in 4-mile advance.
Fierce fighting by the Americans on both banks of Meuse, north of Verdun and in the Woevre.
Hindenburg's order "approving peace-steps" captured.
French President Henri Poincare with General William Birdwood inspecting the British Guard of Honour as they arrive in the newly captured city of Lille: © IWM (Q 9592):
African American troops disembarking in France:

Southern Front
Lord Cavan's despatch, dated 14 September (covering 10 March to 13 September), issued.
Italy: 142 Italian flying boats and 56 Caproni bombers raid Pola.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Affair of Imad (Aden).

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Magnus von Levetzow delivers verbal operational order (Operations Plan No 19) to Hipper at Wilhelmshaven: ‘High Seas Fleet shall attack and engage in battle with the English Fleet.’ Nothing is to be allowed to delay the operation because the country ‘is rushing toward an armistice at full speed’. Plan envisages coordinated raids to Thames Estuary and down Flanders coast with 22 U-boats of Scotland.
Admiral Reinhard Scheer, the hero of the Jutland naval battle was promoted in August 1918 to Chief of the Admiral Staff and Commander of the Naval War Command. With the command to the High Seas Fleet operation he triggers the mutiny in Kiel, which finally led to the November Revolution in Germany:
Albania: Italian ships shell S. Giovanni di Medua.

Political, etc
: Czech Socialist Vaclav Klofac tells Emperor Czech lands slipping away from Crown.
Germany: Prince Max announced program of some reforms; equal suffrage voted (October 26). Karl Liebknecht released:
United Kingdom: New 10s note design issued.
United States: Wounded American soldiers learning to make artificial limbs at a hospital in Lakewood, New Jersey:
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Old 10-23-2018, 04:30 AM
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23 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): Heavy fighting by French in Serre and Vouziers sectors. Third phase: Byng’s Third Army (including 6 tanks) attacks Forest and Ovillers, captures Grand Champ Ridge, Rawlinson’s 18th Division (with 6 tanks) captures Bousies. BEF drives 6-mile deep, 35-mile wide breach into German line (until October 24).
Scheldt: Big British attack between Le Cateau and Valenciennes carries line forward one to three miles after stiff resistance; Bruay taken and Scheldt reached.
Western Front, Air: More activity than for several weeks, RAF No 20 Squadron’s Bristol fighters claim 5 Fokker fighters for no loss, Hirson rail junction bombed. Prince Albert flies in Handley Page to join IAF HQ near Nancy.
Germany: Handley Page bomber destroys Kaiserslautern Greist munitions factory with 1,650lb bomb (night October 21-22). Similar devastation in Wiesbaden city centre (nights October 23-24, 49 casualties).
One of the newer British Tank Mk V towed another tank with a steel cable:
Two soldiers inspecting their uniforms for the presence of lice:
British troops crossing a bridge destroyed by the Germans near Douchy:
A Belgian road being repaired after it was recaptured by the Allies:
Men of the Gordon Highlanders bury a Frenchwoman killed by a shell near Denain. Her daughters stand by the grave: © IWM (Q 9607):
German coastal artillery left behind after they retreated from Zeebrugge, Belgium: © IWM (Q 7134):

Eastern Front
North Russia
: Bolsheviks attack Allied position of River Dvina (south of Archangel) and are repulsed.

Southern Front
: Croatian troops seize Fiume, but are suppressed.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British advance on Mosul begins (see November 4th).

Naval and Overseas Operations
239,000 tons Allied shipping (including 151,000 British) lost in September (announced).
North Sea: Harwich Force last in action. Though weather prevents its seaplanes taking off and 3 of 4 Sopwith Camels broken on lighters, German aircraft driven off.
Admiralty warns Beatty of German Fleet sortie preparation.
Adriatic: Austrian Fleet discipline breaking down with demands to go home.

Political, etc
: Prime Minister Wekerle resigns; Baron Hussarek still Austrian Premier. Emperor Charles and Zita open Debrecen University.
Germany: Dr. Solf and German War Minister on the situation.
United Kingdom: House of Commons votes 274-24 for women Members of Parliament.
Balfour speech at Anzac lunch says Germany’s colonies can never be returned.
Belgium: King and Queen of Belgians fly to Bruges.
United States: President Wilson replies to German Note of the 20th, and agrees, to submit the matter to the Allied and Associated Governments (see 27th, and November 3rd).
Charlie Chaplin secretly marries actress Mildred Harris at Los Angeles (announced November 9).
Myrtle Gonzalez, American actress considered one of the first Latino American actresses in Hollywood, dies at the age of 27 to the Spanish flu:
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Old 10-24-2018, 09:33 AM
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24 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): British attack resumed; advance of three miles after heavy fighting. 9,000 prisoners and 150 guns claimed in last two days. German counter-attack on Derivation Canal repulsed by Belgians.
Slight French advance in southern sectors.
French soldiers demonstrate the use of a 37mm trench gun: © IWM (Q 94769):
Canadian troops practice making an attack with tanks:
American troops practice firing rifle grenades in France:
A German observation post camouflaged as a destroyed house at La Bassée, France:
A German coastal gun at Zeebrugge destroyed by the Germans during their retreat from the Belgian coast:

Southern Front
Italy: Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto) begins in rain on Caporetto first anniversary at 0500 hours with 1,402-gun shelling on Mt Grappa sector and at 0700 hour Fourth Army infantry assault on 13-mile front gains little ground and 1,800 PoWs vs fierce, skilled defence. 2 British battalions seize northern half of Papadopoli island in river Piave and 6 Italian battalions Caserta island (night October 23-24) and take 350 PoWs, but Austro-Hungarian artillery destroys most bridges. On Asiago Anglo-French diversion takes 1,000 PoWs.
Austro-Hungarian Skoda Model 1914 149-mm-howitzer in action with Italian forces:
600 Allied aircraft (including 93 Anglo-French) support final offensive; wreak havoc among fleeing Austro-Hungarian columns (especially from October 29-30). RAF drop 20,000lb bombs and fire 51,000 rounds, losing 7 aircraft (until November 4).
A large Italian gun being moved up towards the front:
Serbia: Serbs force Austro-Hungarians back in disorder along Morava.

Eastern Front/West Asia Border Theater
: By now new Turkish Government withdrawing 4 divisions from Armenia and Azerbaijan (Germany informed) and Enzeli advance abandoned, only 3 divisions left in Caucasus after early October advance north to Derbent. British successfully attack Turks at Fatha.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Aleppo taken by British forces.
Mesopotamia: British cavalry within four miles of Kirkuk (100 miles south-east of Mosul, Tigris river).

Naval and Overseas Operations
The German Admiralty gives the order for a final, all-out attack against the Royal Navy to take place on October 30-31, despite ongoing negotiations with the Allies for an armistice and increasing dissent among German sailors.

Political, etc
: Growing desire in Germany for Kaiser to abdicate. German mark drops to 33 to the pound.
Emerging States: King of Montenegro issues manifesto in favor of a confederated Yugoslavia with autonomous States (see 29th, and November 7th and 23rd). National Council in Croatia meets.
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Old 10-25-2018, 05:34 AM
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25 October 1918

Western Front
Battle of the Selle
(see 25th/26th): Battle of the Selle ends. Further British advance between Le Quesnoy and Maing. Total captures: 20,000 PoWs and 475 guns. Last effective german line of defence on w front broken.
Oise: Successful French attacks between Rivers Serre and Oise, and between Rethel and Sissonne. French 79th Regiment (XX Corps, First Army) with 4 tanks storms Villers-le-Sec in Hunding Line, taking 150 PoWs, 1 gun, 58 MGs and 1 mortar for 40 casualties despite counter-attack.
Stiff American fighting north of Verdun.
Flanders: British Second Army success at Ooteghem. French and British advance to 10 miles east of Courtrai.
France: Ferdinand Foch, Douglas Haig, Philippe Petain and John Pershing meet at Senlis, formulate stiff proposals including surrender of artillery, railway stock and U-boats, agree to preventing fresh fighting after any armistice.
American troops resting near Fismes, France:
The ruins of La Bassée, France: © IWM (Q 9617):
At the Battle of the Selle, British troops rout the Germans from the Selle River and capture Le Cateau. British troops resting on a tree near Le Cateau: © IWM (Q 3317):

Southern Front
Italy: Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto): British overrun rest of Papadopoli Island (night October 25-26) but flooding river delays main crossing. Italian Grappa attacks continue at heavy cost capturing and losing Mt Asolone again with 600 PoWs, Pesaro Brigade and Arditi take Mt Pertica; Austrian Edelweiss Alpine Division thrown into battle.
Italians of a scout unit with fighting knives:
Serbia: Austro-German retreat over Sava and Danube (until November 1) by bridges and streamers between Smederovo and Sabac covered by river monitors. Serbs reach Kraguyevats and Chrupriya (60 miles south of Danube).
Salonika: First 5 Indian battalions from Mesopotamia land.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Colonel Nuri Bey’s 1,500 Arabs enter Aleppo at second attempt but again driven out by Kemal’s troops as 500 British cavalry join armored cars 13 miles southwest.
Mesopotamia: Kirkuk again occupied by British forces (see May 24th).
British columns turn Turkish position at mouth of Lower Zab river.

Naval and Overseas Operations
: Reinhardt Scheer orders all seaworthy Mediterranean U-boats to sail home, 12 do so (October 29-31).
Canadian passenger liner SS Princess Sophia runs aground on a reef during a storm and sinks, resulting in the deaths of all 343 passengers and crew. It is the worst maritime disaster in the history of British Columbia:

Political, etc
: Count Gyula Andrassy the younger succeeds Baron Burian as Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister (see April 17th and November 1st).
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Old 10-26-2018, 05:42 AM
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26 October 1918

Western Front
British progress south of Valenciennes and repulse German attack on Maing.
Heavy French fighting on Rethel-Oise front.
Slight advance east of Courtrai.
At BEF GHQ Churchill chairs senior gas officer conference (flies home on October 30).
Western Front, Air: The Inter-Allied Independent Air Force (IAF) is created under Supreme Commander Marshal Foch and the Commander in Chief, Major General Sir Hugh Trenchard.
A gravedigger digging new graves for civilians at Denain, France: © IWM (Q 3313):
Wounded Canadian soldiers enjoy tea at a dressing station:
A girl next to a smashed piano at Denain, France: © IWM (Q 3308):
The King and Queen of Belgium return to Bruges after it was recaptured from the Germans:
French troops digging trenches near Saint-Quentin-la-Petit: © IWM (Q 78114):

Southern Front
Italy: Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto): Italian Grappa attacks mainly fail, gaining only Peak 1186 and Col del Cuc (Aosta Alpini Battalion 568 casualties to date). Field Marshal Boroevic thanks defenders, confident ‘that they would convince the enemy that their blood had been shed in vain’, but 3 Hungarian divisions ask to be withdrawn home (until October 27). Italians begin 4 bridges at middle Piave.
Austro-Hungarian soldiers resting between actions at the Piave river front:

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British advanced troops occupy Aleppo after c.1,000 Turks leave; 500 Jodhpur and Mysore Lancers (80 casualties) charge Kemal’s 3,000 Turks and 8 guns north of city at Haritan but beaten off after lancing 50 and taking 20 PoWs.
Arab and Allied forces capture the city of Aleppo from the Ottomans:
Mesopotamia: Turks on Tigris retreat during night 26/27 to Kalaat Shergat. Cassels’ 1,000 cavalry with 6 guns (11th Cavalry Brigade) ford mile-wide Tigris 13 miles north of Sharqat after 83-mile ride in two days as 17th Indian Division (until October 27) repulsed from Turkish Humur line with 618 casualties.

Political, etc
: General Erich Ludendorff resigns. Kaiser says ‘The operation is done. I have split the Siamese twins’ (Hindenburg and Ludendorff). Kaiser refuses Hindenburg’s tendered resignation. Ludendorff succeeded by Wilhelm Groener whose railway expertise proves invaluable during the retreat.
Turkey: Three Turkish envoys begin armistice talks at Mudros (until October 30).
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Old 10-27-2018, 06:17 AM
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27 October 1918

Western Front
German attack north-west of Le Quesnoy repulsed.
Aisne: French Fifth Army attacks on 7 1/2-mile front northwest of Chateau Porcien (west of Rethel), major bombing of Seraincourt to northwest on October 28. Germans give way on Serre-Oise salient; French pursue.
Meuse and Argonne: US 78th Division (c.5,000 casualties) captures Grandpre after fighting since October 25. Americans take Bois Belleu (east bank of Meuse).
Western Front, Air: The Victoria Cross is awarded to Major W.G. Barker, a Canadian of No.201 Squadron, Royal Air Force, for destroying four enemy aircraft during a dogfight over Foret de Mormal in France in a Sopwith Snipe (E8102). He had, in his Sopwith Snipe of No 201 Squadron single-handedly battled 5 formations totaling c.60 aircraft over Mormal Forest. His victory over these 4 brings his total victories to 50; he received 3 wounds, and crash-landed behind British lines.
American troops near Le Nefour launching phosphorus bombs to create a smokescreen: © IWM (Q 70743):
The Prince of Wales at Lille, France after the city's recapture from the Germans:
A British soldier with two refugee children at Tournai: © IWM (Q 9625):
The ruins of Lens almost a month after it was recaptured from the Germans: © IWM (Q 49082):

Southern Front
Italy: Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto): Austrian counter-attacks recapture Mt Pertica (briefly), Istrice and Valderoa (600 PoWs). After wading across from 0645 hours Italians and British form 3 bridgeheads over Piave up to 2 1/2 miles deep, taking 7,800 PoWs and 74 guns. Austrian guns destroy 3 bridges by 0800 hours but parts of 2 Austrian divisions refuse to counter-attack. Eighth and Twelfth Armies rely on swimmers (82 Caimani di Piave) and air supply as 5 new bridges short-lived, only allowing 17 battalions to cross (night October 27-28).
Lord Cavan commands 10th Italian Army.
Six R.E.8s drop 5,000 rounds by parachute to forward British troops. Nine Sopwith Camel fighters destroy 3 Austrian balloons. Austrians bomb Allied Piave bridges without success.
A lonely British soldier guards a group of Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war on the Piave:
Italian anti-air guns mounted on a railcar at the Battle of Vittorio Veneto:
Serbia: Serbs drive Austro-Hungrians back north of Kraguyevats.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: British cavalry seize Muslimie junction (north of Aleppo, on Baghdad railway).
Mesopotamia: British main body in touch with Turks on Lower Zab. Turks fall back to hills covering Shergat.

Political, etc
: Emperor Charles cables Kaiser ‘My people are neither capable nor willing to continue the war … I have made the unalterable decision to ask for a separate peace and an immediate armistice’. Austro-Hungarian Government submit further Note to President Wilson asking for immediate armistice "without awaiting the result of other negotiations") (see 4th and 18th).
Austrian Government ask Italy for an armistice (see 4th and November 3rd).
Germany: German Government acknowledges President Wilson's Note of October 23rd.
German General Erich Ludendorff, who was forced to resign after an order sponsored by him and von Hindenburg ordering German soldiers to “fight to the finish” was leaked, which caused outrage among the war-weary German populace:
France: Colonel House arrives in Paris as U.S. special representative.
United Kingdom: British landowner Cecil Chubb donates Stonehenge to the British government:
United States: Barbers in Cincinnati wearing masks to prevent the spread of the Spanish flu:
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Old 10-28-2018, 10:50 AM
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Western Front
: British 51st Division captures Mont Houy south of Valenciennes but driven back to southern slopes, 3 German divisions counter-attack (until October 29).
Heavy French fighting at Verly (Oise) and (American) about Grand Pre.
Western Front, Air: Great French bombing raid on Seraincourt (north-west of Rethel).
Three Fokker fighters (2 lost) intercept D.H.9s (1 lost) over Mons and RAF No 205 Squadron bombs Namur (until October 30).
American soldiers in a “elephant shelter” made of corrugated iron near Cunel, France:
Interior of a British military hospital at St. Pol, France: © IWM (Q 3333):

Southern Front
Italy: Third Battle of the Piave
(aka Battle of Vittorio Veneto): Severe fighting in Grappa region. General advance by 10th and 12th Italian Armies. Stiff fighting, Austrians driven back. Italian XVIII Corps reinforces Anglo-Italian Papadopoli bridgehead, taking 3,000 PoWs, 7 guns and 150 MGs with aid of British barrage. Austrian Sixth Army orders retreat at 2030 hours after Italians join up the 3 bridgeheads and are up to 4 miles from river. King watches operations from Montello. Austrian Armistice Commission meets.
Field Marshall Svetozar Boroevic tells Emperor Charles situation ‘untenable’ (night October 28-29).
Gordon Highlanders escorting Austro-Hungarian prisoners across the Piave River at Salettuol, Italy: © IWM (Q 26737):
Italian troops during the offensive: © IWM (Q 25977):
Serbia: Serbs reach line Uzice-Arandelovac-Pozarevac.
Albania: Italians enter Allessio.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
: Muslimiya Junction, north of Aleppo, occupied by British cavalry.
A Syrian refugee family who fled the fighting between the Ottomans and the Allies:
Mesopotamia: Battle of Sharqat begins (see 30th): Turks attack British on east bank of Tigris, but are heavily beaten on west bank, and retreat. Gurkhas ferried over to Cassels after 33-mile march in 21 hours and fight 6,000 Turks and 24 guns from Mosul.
Turkish cavalry is arriving from Mosul:
Ottoman artillery shells burst around a Rolls-Royce armoured car at the Battle of Sharqat: © IWM (Q 24758):

Naval and Overseas Operations
North Sea
: Final U-boat sortie: Flanders Flotilla coastal submarine UB-116 (Emsmann) with volunteer crew undertakes ‘suicide’ mission vs Grand Fleet battleship Queen Elizabeth (erroneously believed lying at Scapa). Raider destroyed in electrically-controlled minefield.
Adriatic: German personnel evacuate Pola, Cattaro ones sail (October 30), scuttle 10 U-boats there and at Fiume (until November 1).

Political, etc
: Professor Heinrich Lammasch succeeds Baron Max Hussarek as Austrian Minister-President.
Fresh Austro-Hungarian note to President Wilson urging immediate Armistice.
Agram military command surrender to Yugoslav Council.
Czech National Council takes over administration in Prague. Czechoslovakia independent, Galicia severed from Empire.
Czechoslovakia proclaims its independence from Austria-Hungary. Austro-Hungarian symbols are painted over in Kolín:
Germany: Kaiser signs amended constitution, says ‘… (his) office is one of service to German people’, but at Hindenburg’s request returns to Spa by train on October 29 refusing to meet Prince Max.
Russia: Siberian Coalition Ministry formed under Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak (War and Marine); MM. Shekin (Foreign Affairs), Orlov (Commerce) and Ostrugov (Communications).
France: Allied armistice Conference in Paris (until October 30).
United Kingdom: Admiral Prince Higashifushimi Yorihito arrives in London.
Canada: 5th War Loan.
Bulgaria: British 22nd Division lands at Dedeagach (sailed from Stavros) from 17 destroyers (after 2 bad weather post-ponements) for invasion of European Turkey 10 miles away, transport and cavalry arrive on October 30 after gruelling overland march. French Army of the Danube formed under Berthelot (until January 25, 1920).
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