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Old 05-05-2002, 09:59 AM
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sadora sadora is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
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Posts: 538
I really don't think it is lack of talent. I think it is about the record companies not giving their artists enough freedom of expression. They think they know what will sell, that's what they want the artists to make. If one band hits it big with one kind of sound, the next week, there are four more bands with that sound. Alot of them have phenomenal talent... they just haven't been able to express it.
If you are looking for real talent, AND a unique sound, don't look on the radio. You will usually only find recycled sound there.

It isn't only R&R, all of the music industry is like this... O/f hit the nail on the head! It takes alot of mining... to me, the diamond is worth it!
If you won't listen to reason, there's always... Towanda!... Kathy Bates~Fried Green Tomatoes
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