01-25-2004, 11:17 PM
A Little of Both
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Pa
Posts: 3,114
Welcome to Pixies plbrad. Have you tried resting a bit between times?..After she cums...just touch her body..not her pussy...rub her skin...kiss her...have her touch you with her hands and mouth...get her needy again that way...then, when she's starting to heat back up...eventually..she'll want more. Take it slow and easy...and give her time to relax in between. Hope that helps Hun..good luck and hope to see you round the boards.
"Only the united beat of sex and heart together can create ecstasy" ~Anaïs Nin
"The full moon is calling, the fever is high.
And the wicked wind whispers and moans.
You got your demons, you got desires
Well, I got a few of my own"
~The Eagles