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Old 03-28-2004, 05:41 PM
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5 Second Rule

OK...We're not talking about food hitting the ground here...

I am curious if anyone else has experienced this ~~

As I've gotten older, I find that my instincts are spot-on about 95% of the time. I also find that I trust my instincts more. All this leads up to one observation...I can tell (in about 5 seconds after meeting someone and speaking to them) whether I will like and/or trust the person or not.

Anyone else have the same experience? When did you begin to trust this instinct?

Oh...and what tips you off about a person's character in that first 5 seconds???

Inquiring minds (like mine) want to know....
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.

I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

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Old 03-28-2004, 05:44 PM
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I've found that I can tell if I will like someone based on: a) the number of times their eyes drop to my chest; b) the amount of intelligence in the topic of conversation they pick to have with me; and c) if they automatically treat me like an idiot because I am a woman and I am blonde.
Just my thoughts.

I see your fantasy... you want to make it a reality
Are you in the mood to be subdued
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Old 03-28-2004, 05:58 PM
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Hmm.... No, I take longer.

However, we do use the 5 second rule with food.
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Old 03-28-2004, 06:20 PM
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Osuche~ My mother saw that I had this sense early and fostered it, encouraging me to trust myself implicitly. The only time it has ever failed me is when I try to talk myself out of it but even then I still know.

I can't pinpoint one or even ten things that lead me to begin to construct my impression but I used to tell my dad to just give me 30 seconds on the phone with anyone he was dating and I could save him some time

My former boss still calls me to "feel people out" and I have looked over/read applications etc for Mr. Lil to help identify those with potential issues.

All this does not mean that I don't give people ample opportunity to prove me wrong. I always take it with a grain of salt, and continue on but I am possibly more cautious about how much I divulge.

The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.~ Betty Grable

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Old 03-28-2004, 06:23 PM
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I call it "listening to my gut", and luckily it's always served me well.

As for the 5 second rule for food, we practice it here too... except for one daughter who is oh-so-fussy (whatever)
Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom to understand my man, love to forgive him, and patience for his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for strength, I'll beat him to death. AMEN

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Old 03-28-2004, 06:26 PM
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I also believe that intuition is a skill that can be built upon if practiced.

Oh and hell my kids say 10 secs if it's good stuff

The practice of putting women on pedestals began to die out when it was discovered that they could give orders better from there.~ Betty Grable

If I wanted your opinion, I'd remove the duct tape and ask you for it.~ Me
One man's dream is another man's nightmare~~~~> §¤ Lilith ¤§

~>My Scribbles<~
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Old 03-28-2004, 06:32 PM
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I completely agree with you Lil about intuition... it's something I'm interested in developing to the fullest.

I also agree about 10 seconds, lmao
Dear Lord, I pray for wisdom to understand my man, love to forgive him, and patience for his moods. Because Lord, if I pray for strength, I'll beat him to death. AMEN

It's no trick loving somebody at their best. Love is loving them at their worst.
~Tom Stoppard~

It isn't premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married.
~George Burns~

As bad as I am, I'm proud of the fact that I'm worse than I seem.
~A. DiFranco~
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Old 03-28-2004, 07:46 PM
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Originally posted by Lilith

Oh and hell my kids say 10 secs if it's good stuff

Oh, hell, my 2 year old firmly believes that if she tosses a hand full of crackers under her high chair at lunch, they're good for a day or two.
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Old 03-28-2004, 07:50 PM
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Always go with your instincts, they are always correct. Its just a primal sense in all human beings. Scientist say we only use like 10% of our brains. Personally I think we use more of that, sticking an electrolyte sensor on somes head and sticking them in a room is just stupid your not going to be able to track all day to day thought processes that way. Anyways im getting off topic.

Yes I go with my instincts at all times. and 80-90% of the time i'm always right!
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Old 03-29-2004, 11:11 PM
Eros Eros is offline
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I wouldn't say 5 seconds..but probably within the first 30 minutes or so. Probably depends on if they break a chair within the first hour or so too!
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Old 03-30-2004, 04:33 AM
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15 seconds, and I'm right a lot more often than wrong.

Self fulfilling prophecy perhaps.
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Old 03-30-2004, 09:30 AM
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Originally posted by Gilly
Oh, hell, my 2 year old firmly believes that if she tosses a hand full of crackers under her high chair at lunch, they're good for a day or two.

LMAO @ Gilly~ I have one just like that!
my pics

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Never say never, but if you do it's okay to change your mind~me, I think
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Old 03-30-2004, 09:41 AM
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My friend mentioned this weekend that I don't give people enough of a chance and that not everything has to be a philosophical discussion. While I agree to a certain extent, I also just avoid whiners and small talkers as discreetly as possible. It usually takes me a few conversations to make up my mind but I might put up with them for a while.
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Old 04-02-2004, 05:39 PM
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Originally posted by Eros
I wouldn't say 5 seconds..but probably within the first 30 minutes or so. Probably depends on if they break a chair within the first hour or so too!

I've found I like men who break chairs...especially if they do it in service of good causes.
Life is too short not to love and be loved....preferably multiple times in one night.

I think men talk to women so they can sleep with them and women sleep with men so they can talk to them. ~ Jay McInerney

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Old 04-02-2004, 08:52 PM
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Originally posted by Gilly
Oh, hell, my 2 year old firmly believes that if she tosses a hand full of crackers under her high chair at lunch, they're good for a day or two.

Only a day or two? My daughter came crawling out from behind my entertainment center with an animal cracker that had to be at least a month old...I have got to get back there and clean!
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