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Old 04-11-2004, 10:15 PM
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Nick & Jessica that they are not Sonny & Cher. Maybe it's just me but I can't envision anyone over 15 watching that show. Mr. Lil says there is a "jiggle factor" though

ABC is cracking up. They showed a commercial for 20/20, an episode on how women are dying because they are having plastic surgery done by disreputable surgeons. This was soon followed by a commercial for one of their newer shows where people are given make overs that inculde plastic surgery.

Is it just me or has reality tv gone too far. Do you think that this wave of plastic surgery type shows, especially shows like The Swan, are responsible television? Curious how you feel about them. What message do you think they send?

If you don't feel good about your self, do something about it?


People who are not beautiful by societal standards should take some initiative to make changes?


Something entirely different?

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Old 04-11-2004, 10:52 PM
naughtyangel naughtyangel is offline
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As a self-proclaimed reality tv junkie, I have to say that I can't stomach these Extreme Makeover-esque shows. Goodness knows that I don't fit society's beautiful-mold....and while I do catch myself (more often than I'd like) thinking "if only this were smaller" type thoughts, I would never go to such extremes to fit that mold. I like to think that I have more to offer this world than that image that is so popular-yet-out-of-reach. Those types of shows only encourage the thinking that normal isn't good enough anymore

That said, I *cannot stand* Nick and Jessica
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Old 04-11-2004, 11:14 PM
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I've allwasy thought realty was garbage I can think of one reality show that I've ever watched move then once or twice. I have to agree the lastest trend with the plastic surgery they have sunk to a new low. They are just premoting the stereo type that if you don't look just the right way you are ugly and should change yourself. Not threw heathy was like going on a diet and exercize but go under the blade and take a risk. But should we expect more form TV when they go crazy over a quick flash of tit at the super bowl. But yet they still have tons of voilance on TV. Why is it we can see people get shot and killed or beating the crap out of some guy but a body part sets every one off. I know it's all fake but then so was the tit.

ops sorry got off the subject a little there
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Old 04-12-2004, 01:15 AM
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I like Extreme makeover....watched all the ones i could

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Old 04-12-2004, 10:58 AM
Neige Neige is offline
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Many people could profit from plastic surgery... people born with deformities, or who got burned, or who suffered other accidents that left them disfigured... I don't see why they don't make shows about helping people who need it for health reasons.

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Old 04-12-2004, 11:30 AM
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Wow, I guess I don't watch enought TV (thank goodness)! Making shows about people having plastic surgery makeovers??? Oh my, I think we've gone round the twist!

I agree that if you are not happy with yourself do something (go to a gym, meet friends to play a game of golf/tennis/football, start eating better foods, go shopping for cloths that make you look more like you would like to) surgery is dangerous and extreme... please give a lot of thought to doing something like that! If you have a disfigurement, that different, but just because you don't fit today's mold???

Vanity is one of the seven deadly sins... and in todays world isn't it easy to see why??? HHhhmmmm...
The subconscious is a state in which reality is just a visitor!

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Old 04-12-2004, 12:40 PM
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For the most part... I hate these shows. I enjoy most reality TV, but this goes a little too far. I've only watched Extreme Makeover a couple times, and the people I saw seemed to be much happier with themselves when they were through. However. If you aren't happy with yourself, maybe you should work on that before you go running to get thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, the new MTV show "I Want A Famous Face" disgusts me to no end. For those unaware, these are early twentysomethings getting radical plastic surgery to look like someone famous. I only saw one girl on the shows that I watched that didn't radically change who she was - she just had a tummy tuck to remove excess skin after losing some 150 pounds. But all the rest... it amazes me.

My $.02.
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Old 04-12-2004, 01:03 PM
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I love watching extreme makeover. I guess I'm just pro choice when it comes to about everything though. If anyone wants to do anything to themselves...well that's their choice. I like watching the transformations. I doubt I would ever get elective surgery myself. But I'm not those people. And a lot of people have said they'd do it if they could afford it. Well maybe these new shows are paying them to do it?
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Old 04-12-2004, 01:24 PM
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I think that The Swan is horribly irresponsible towards the audience. Sure, it's giving these women new confidence, and I do appluad that they are all in therapy the whole time, but what message is it giving the audience?

For one, it says that if you feel average, plastic surgery will cure all your ills.
Another thing it's saying, is that even with all this surgery, you still aren't good enough.

I don't like the messages at all.

Now, that said, I would not mind getting some things fixed for free, such as my teeth (they are horrible), getting rid of stretch marks, getting my boobs lifted a bit, and getting the ole "Jelly baby belly" tucked back where it started.

But is the price worth it?
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Old 04-12-2004, 01:32 PM
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I think there should be some nudity on tv. I'm tired of scanning the dial in search of a boob!

As for reality shows, I've always liked Survivor. Except for the blurry parts, that is. The makeover shows don't do it for me. I'm not a big fan of bodies that don't look real, so that might have something to do with it.
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Old 04-12-2004, 01:43 PM
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Amen Pixie Sprite.I say if it ain't broken, don't fix it.
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:28 PM
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Lilith I only watched Nick & Jessica show to see how low cut or high cut her next outfit would be.
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:51 PM
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That's why people watched Sonny and Cher, Scarecrow! To see what she'd wear next!

I heard a radio show today, and the guys on it said that Jessica Simpson is the new "it" girl...over Pamela and Carmen (Anderson and Electra). They went on and on about her beauty and one guy even said that it had been reported that Jessica was illiterate and that made her even sexier than ever! How in the world is that possible? Sexier cause she CAN'T read! I must be a male thing or something! I don't think she's all that sexy and if it is true that she is illiterate...well, that's just plain sad!

P.S. I can't stand her stage presence when she sings to/with Nick!
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:56 PM
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Yes Lixy I know, that was why I watched Sonny and Cher. It wasn't because of Sonny. LOL
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Old 04-12-2004, 03:57 PM
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Originally posted by lakritze
Amen Pixie Sprite.I say if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

To others it may not appear the one that has to live with it and look at it every day it may appear broken

I know because i live it.....if someone offered me an extreme can bet ya ass i'd grab the opportunity with both hands!!
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