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Old 06-10-2005, 01:58 PM
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Exclamation Opinions?

I'm curious to know what everyone thinks of the Feds saying that the Govt
law supersides the State laws,saying that medical marijuana(sp?) is legal.
I personaly(being a recovering alcoholic)think that,if your going to partake
often, that pot is much better for your body than alcohol!That's just my
I am always annoyed when I hear parents say-He doesn't touch drugs,He just
drinks! Didn't anyone tell them that alcohol is a drug? Irish
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Old 06-10-2005, 02:10 PM
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It's a Constitutional matter who has the bigger stick in these matters.

It's the same over here in Oz.

Alcohol v Dope? Both addictive, not great for your health and a nightmare for people

without the tools to cope with them.
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Old 06-10-2005, 02:21 PM
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I think it's interesting how when it involves the expenditure of $$ the federal government is only too happy to let the states take on the burden however when it comes to policy, suddenly an administration that touted less federal interference in state affairs, wants to make everything a federal, gay marriage, abortion, and educational testing. Selective meddling.

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Old 06-10-2005, 02:32 PM
jseal jseal is offline
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Except in very unusual circumstances, States Rights are subordinate to Federal law. For better or worse that’s the way it has been since the Civil War.

Unfunded Federal mandates are regrettable, intrusive and expensive meddling in state activities, but have been repeatedly upheld in – guess where – Federal Courts.
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Old 06-10-2005, 05:26 PM
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Whatever you think of Canadians, pretty much all the below are permitted here without a blink of the eye.

I know that pot can help so many illnesses -- MS, cancer, etc. If someone is unable to eat due to nausea, they can spark up a small joint and feel better and eat. Maintaining their weight will therefore allow them to live.

I don't know where Florida is now but I recall reading that young women who wanted abortions had to place classified ads stating they were doing so.

In the sixties, our Prime Minister stated, "The state has no business in the bedrooms of our nations."

I agree.

I love booze & I love weed & I know weed causes fewer problems than alcohol.

We really, really accept pot up here. I wonder if the people opposing medical marijuana down south have smoked it? What is the bias?

Originally Posted by Lilith
I think it's interesting how when it involves the expenditure of $$ the federal government is only too happy to let the states take on the burden however when it comes to policy, suddenly an administration that touted less federal interference in state affairs, wants to make everything a federal, gay marriage, abortion, and educational testing. Selective meddling.
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Old 06-11-2005, 10:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Irish
I'm curious to know what everyone thinks of the Feds saying that the Govt law supersides the State laws,......

Why not state law? My federal government has superseded rulings of the United Nations, European Union, the Geneva Convention, historic American precedence, and world opinion. Why not states right where it actually has a legal right to do that?
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Old 06-11-2005, 10:17 AM
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I never comment on the American gov' enough crap going on in Canada to keep me busy
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