10-04-2001, 09:19 AM
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Another Crash
Hey everyone,
I have news to report.
I found out yesterday that Purple Layc was involved in a car accident. She was hit by another drunk driver on her way home from work on Friday night.
The good news is that she is doing well and will be released from the hospital within a couple of weeks.
I'm sure that she will be back with us in a while, but in the mean time lets send some prayers and good thoughts for a quick and full recovery.
As I get anymore info, I'll be sure to pass it along.

10-04-2001, 09:46 AM
~*Forget Me Not*~
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Ohhhh not another one!!!
Sorry just brought back sad memories...
Thanks God it wasn't a fatal one!!!
I will pray and hope for a speedy recovery for Purple...
And I send her big hugs and I am pulling for her!!
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10-04-2001, 09:49 AM
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Thank you Diva,
I had the very same thoughts.

10-04-2001, 12:18 PM
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Another Crash
This is just another reason; that I am glad; that I stopped drinking
alcohol!I've always said; that you've got to have been a drinker;
to see both sides of the story.I consider myself an alcoholic.The
15th of this month,will be 9yrs&4mo. since I have had alcohol.
Most people(non-drinkers)think that a drinker,causes damage
on purpose.It is inadvertant.Even the slightest; alcohol;in your
system affects you more than you think.(one drink)It slows your
reflexes,affects your judgement,etc.I can't remember ever setting
out to--GET DRUNK.Drinking got to be a habit with me.No one wants to grow up to be a drunk!It's amazing how many lives are
affected by what you refer to as-An innocent drink,to relax.You
couldn't have told me this 10yrs ago.I thought that as long as I
went to work,didn't physically abuse my wife or kids,that it was
alright.The amazing thing is that if my wife had 3 drinks a year,
that was alot for her.We have been married for 36yrs and she is
a very good looking woman! Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)

10-04-2001, 05:03 PM
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Thank God she's O.K.
Rest up Purple Layc. My family will pray for your speedy recovery.

10-04-2001, 06:24 PM
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Did anyone check whether the hospital has internet access?
Not quite the posting from bed we hope for.
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10-04-2001, 06:57 PM
Vampyre/ Knight
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It is sad to hear that she was in an accident, but very to hear that she will making a speedy recovery. I hope they catch the asshole that hit her and he actually goes to jail. SO many of them get out of it. Nutworld, please pass on our HUGS and KISSES to Purple.

10-04-2001, 07:43 PM
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Speedy Recovery
I also know the damage that alcohol can do, we've had more
than our share of alcoholics in my family.
My prayers and thoughts are also with Purplelayc.
I'm glad she's O.K.
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10-05-2001, 10:15 AM
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~~Get well soon Purplelayc~~
I am very angered by this sad news about Purple....
When will people learn that drinking and driving can hurt someone....even kill!!!
You are in my prayers Purple.....Get well soon!
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10-05-2001, 11:10 AM
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Another Crash
Prophet Reality---Please don't rush to judgement(Judge not lest
ye be judged yourself.)or something like that.I had an accident;
approx.9yrs&4mo ago.I was working nights and fell asleep while
driving.There was an unopened can of beer;on the back seat of
my vehicle;it rolled forward and broke open when I fell asleep and
hit something.I was unconcious but the car probably smelled; like
a still;when the police got to the scene.I broke my front teeth,
nose(7th time),and got numerous cuts on me.I also totaled that
car(I had just made the final payment)I never would have been
driving if I felt at all under the influence.I haven't had a drink of
alcohol since that day.Most people don't set out with the intention
of causing damage.You just have; to have; the maturity to realize
that if it's something that can cause problems,You shouldn't do
it anymore. Irish
PS.My front teeth are now capped!I could have killed or injured
another and I don't think that I'm an asshole!
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)

10-05-2001, 11:47 AM
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Purple Layc is still in the hospital with a broken arm, hip and leg and collapsed lung.
Other than those things she is fine, and will recover soon.
After talking with her sister just now, she's already driving the Dr's at the hospital crazy, and asking when she can get home.
She also has asked if he has anything that can help her ease her "Pixies Place Withdrawl".
The driver that hit her is in custody and won't be going anywhere as this is his 3rd DUI offense.
I have passed along everyone's wishes, hugs and kisses for a speedy recovery.
More news as I recieve it.

10-05-2001, 12:02 PM
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nutworld---Do you know if it's DUI or DWI?There is a big difference
DUI---Driving under the influence.
DWI---Driving while intoxicated.
In my opinion,there is no excuce for DWI.Especially if it is the 3rd
time.I am glad to hear that she is mending.It not only affects her,
but also anyone that she is connected with. Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)

10-05-2001, 12:18 PM
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According to her sister, he was charged with his 3rd DUI. Thats about all I know.
I just hope he doesn't ever get to drive again, regardless.

10-05-2001, 03:17 PM
Vampyre/ Knight
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Irish... pardon me for coming off as an asshole, but I have lost too many frineds to idiots that don't know when to stop drinking, or how to call a cab to pick them. At every party I through or attend there is always a designated Key Master. It is his/ her job to make sure no one drives drink. My father was an alocoholic, and one day while driving home from his favorite bar he hit two kids on the side of the road and killed them instantly. He didn't even know that it happened until the police arrested him at thome that night. SO I guess you say that I am very strongly against drinking and driving!
I apologize for jumping on my soap box and hope I did not offend.
Irish, I am also glad to hear that you stopped drinking too. Now, I am not saying we should all stop, but drink smart though.
Okay, I am done now. Sorry!

10-06-2001, 08:13 AM
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Prophet Reality--No Offence taken!It's just that I know;how most;
people think.I know; from having been a drinker;that most drinkers don't cause damage on purpose.I have nothing against
drinking-It's just that some people shouldn't do it.When you have
partaken for years;you build up a gigantic tolerance and be under
the influence without even realizing it.When I think back;I was
drinking heavily at 15yrs.I'm;originally;from Connecticut and the
drinking age in New York was 18.Guess where I&all of my; buddies;were every Fri.&Sat. night.I used to make money in High
School;by chugaluging a 1/2pt. of Flieshmans whiskey(90 proof)
As a teenager-I thought that was cool!As you can see;it has
become a major cause in my life;because people say"Why doesn't
he just stop drinking?"It's not that easy!Alcohol is a drug!Your
body gets addicted to it. Irish
Irish---Better to be dead & cool,then alive & uncool!
(Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man)
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