3rd Grade School Supplies
1 - pair scissors (Fiskars are best)
1 - box Crayola crayons
1 - school box (no larger than 9X6 inches) or zip supply pouch
1 - package of 12 pencils (sharpened)
1 - eraser (basic rectangular size)
1 - 12 inch ruler (with inches & centimeters - non-folding ruler)
1 - 4 oz. bottle of Elmer’s white glue
1 - glue stick
1 - colored ink pen
1 - yellow highlighter
3 - wide-lined notebooks
1 - deck playing cards (for math)
1 - large box of Kleenex (to be shared)
1 - pair tennis shoes for physical education
2 - two pocket folders (the plastic type is best)
2-3 dry erase markers & 1 dry erase marker eraser
1 - box Crayola markers – basic colors
1 - basic calculator
Writing lab supplies
1 – p lain rectangular eraser (no pencil top erasers or name)
1– 2 pocket folder (name/grade and teacher’s name)
3 - # 2 plain yellow pencils – sharpened (no decorations & no name)
1 - spiral notebook (name/grade and teacher’s name)
**Please label each item with your child’s name.
Didn't that one line just say no decorations and no name?
Are you all getting this detailed lists? I find them maddening...

Why don't the school just buy them in bulk and send me a bill? That would be my preference...
Then life would be good.

Off soon on my scavenger hunt of school supplies.