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View Poll Results: What do you want your sex life to be like?
Pass the aspirins please. 0 0%
OK if we MUST! 2 1.74%
2 or 3 times a month missionary is fine. 2 1.74%
I'm your slut, treat me like a whore! 78 67.83%
Whip me, Beat me, Tie me up!!!! 33 28.70%
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Old 06-30-2001, 05:40 AM
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Question Ladies: What DO you want?

I have often heard it said that a woman wants to be treated like the queen of the house but she wants to be treated like a whore in the bedroom. Well ladies is this true? What do you want in your sex life? Please give us guys a little peek into your minds and let us know.
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Old 07-04-2001, 03:14 AM
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Talking I am not a whore....BUT...

Whip me, Beat me, Tie me up and make me cum over and over again!!!

~~Red Hot Kiss~~
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Old 07-05-2001, 07:37 AM
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I think the word whore is a little much. However, I do enjoy being called a dirty little slut when I'm being spanked. There is a time and place for everything. If my husband just came up to me and called me a slut...well it would depend on my frame of mind. If I was allready horny, then I'd be on my knees. But if I needed some convincing, this would not be the way to do it. I love to be dominated.

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Old 07-05-2001, 07:50 AM
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Dirty talk... how dirty?

This thread brings up a good topic. Kissy, just wondering how you and the other ladies feel about certain words or phrases like "whore." I agree, that may be a bit much, but for some not enough!

How would you react to your man if he referred to himself as "Daddy?" For instance, "You're such a good little girl, you know just how to suck Daddy's cock" or, "Daddy's girl has such a sweet pussy," etc. Is that too far?

I've often held back in what I say to my wife during sex, but I'd love to just get REALLY vulgar. It turns me on. Your thoughts are appreciated.

"Even a man who is pure of heart
And says his prayers by night
Can become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms
And the moon is full and bright."
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Old 07-15-2001, 02:51 PM
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Talking What do I want?

Different people like different things. As I get older, I'm more open to exploring different styles of sex. I love dirty talk, and would love to be dominated, but it all depends on context. If my man walked up to me and just told me "to get on my knees, slut", I wouldn't be very appreciative of it But if we were playing, then this would be a huge turn on

My man and I haven't talked about our fantasies yet, but I'm thinking it's going to be time very soon Time to add some spice and open up to some fun games. For me the trust has to be there, and we are finally at that point... woohoo.. exciting times ahead for me ;P
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Old 07-25-2001, 07:58 AM
PurpleLayc PurpleLayc is offline
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whip me beat me make me feel cheap!! but forget the whore part...i prefer bitch
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Old 07-25-2001, 09:20 AM
Alissa22bi Alissa22bi is offline
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Get Out Of My House!

For me,
The words Slut, whore, and other names to that effect
are disrespectable towards women. I had a guy when I was
High School call me a whore during sex and I took his
dick and threw him out of the house (with no clothes on
I might add!) He had to go all the way home naked becasue
he called me a whore. Just shows ya I like to be respected!
LOL Memories! I love it! -Alissa
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Old 07-25-2001, 10:22 AM
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excellent thread topic!!... poll results are interesting too.... judging on the ladies responses, kinda exposes the minefield we guys have to navigate .... OK w/ RedHot and PurpleLayc but Allissa would throw ya out by the dick!... ROFLMAO....
Guess its shows we better damn well know in advance what they like! lol
I'll be checking this thread daily!
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Old 07-25-2001, 11:42 AM
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In the case of Alissa, having a small dick would be a good thing (if using inappropriate language) -- less to grab on to!
"Even a man who is pure of heart
And says his prayers by night
Can become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms
And the moon is full and bright."
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Old 07-25-2001, 02:35 PM
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Judging by the pole results Alissa, you enjoy being tied up and beaten but the use of "disrespectful" language is ok. Isn't that just a little contradictory not to mention confusing for your bf.
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Old 07-25-2001, 02:37 PM
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sorry about the typo the last post should have said:

Judging by the pole results Alissa, you enjoy being tied up and beaten but the use of "disrespectful" language is not ok. Isn't that just a little contradictory not to mention confusing for your bf.
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Old 07-26-2001, 03:46 AM
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First I would like to apologize to anyone that may have been offended in any way by the tone or language of this thread. To anyone that falls in that catagory, I am sorry. Second I would like to say that the purpose of this thread was to provoke discussion and thought and to have a little fun. Also I truly would like to learn more about the mysterious creature known as 'woman'. Third I would like to ask that you take another look at the poll and my opening and think about what I said. I used the word 'whore' on purpose to denote a type of sexual freedom, not to imply that any person, male or female, is engaged in that pasttime. To me being treated like a 'whore' in the bedroom means that you have a freedom to enjoy and express yourself in a manner that most of us do not. You are not afraid to try most anything at least once and will listen and respond to your partner with love and respect. It just means that you communicate exceptionally well. Being a good old boy from the wrong side of the tracks I realize that I am a little rough around the edges and I don't always use the proper language. Please bear with me, try to understand, and continue to respond with your thoughts and ideas. Finally I would like to say that anyone is free, at any time, to call me whatever you want, just don't call me late for dinner!!!
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Old 07-26-2001, 07:00 AM
Alissa22bi Alissa22bi is offline
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Diver Down,

I am not sure where you are getting at,
But I never said I like being tied up and
beaten. All I said was I just didn't like
those words during sex.

It is the way I feel and If you don't like
it, I am sorry about it.
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Old 08-01-2001, 03:24 AM
cockalot cockalot is offline
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Myself I like the man to be soft spoken, easing things in place, with alot of touchning, kissing in the pussy area, then to call me nasty names, that really getthe juices flowing so to speak. the more aggressive he is in the bedroom the better. But love alot of tongue too.
What do you mean at MY AGE?
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Old 08-06-2001, 12:56 AM
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I think most women are brought up being told to be "a good girl", and "he won't buy the cow if the milks for free"! I know I did! That's why I have such an infatuation with being as slutty as possible when I'm being intimate. Just the thought of being so into the pleasure and excitement that I can let go and flow with it, excites me! is nearly impossible to find someone that can leave that "your my slutty whore" attitude behind and treat me with respect when we are not being intimate.
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