03-22-2010, 01:57 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: PA. Mtns.
Posts: 323
A Very Heart Felt Thanks To JSEAL
This morning when I opened my mail, I had two great surprises, one being birthday wishes from Pixies and the other was a happy birthday wish from jseal. Now this might not mean a lot to many others but when someone that I have never met or really conversed with took the time to extend greetings really meant a lot to this recipient. Being the only care provider to a traumatic brain injured wife and caring for her 100 year old mother (100 on 3/06/10)and having done so for 18 years come this June, tests the limits of frustration yet provides personal satisfaction in many other ways. Though I do not always participate on the site as much as I should, I still peak in to read the forums for the many smiles and appreciate the efforts of those that compose stories. All that means so much more when a member reached out and reminded me to have a great day. THANK YOU very much one and all and especially to jseal